22-02-2009 18:49:18
I'm just curious: Am I the only one out there who has problems with NxOgre and the Intellisense feature of VisualStudio?
It is alsmost never working toghether with NxOgre. Parts of the code that don't have a relation to NxOgre can use this feature without any problems, but as soon as I want to use it with a code part of NxOgre, it states in the statusbar, that there no additional Intellisense information available.
I also searched the web for hints, but e.g. hitting SaveAll and waiting some seconds or deleting the Intellisense database file of the projects didn't the trick.
I'm really keen on some other possible solutions!
Cheers - spacegaier
22-02-2009 19:30:36
I used to get it a lot in NxOgre 1.0ish, it brought me to several shouting matches against my monitor. But BloodyMess has been a lot better.
However; I find if it goes all weird. Just close down Visual Studio and delete the NxOgre*.ncb file to parse it again it.
22-02-2009 19:33:29
It works for NxOgre (actors, scene, world, joints etc), but doesn't work for Betajeans containers. Never been.
22-02-2009 19:40:00
@betajean: I've tried that before, but as I wrote in my first post, even that did not the trick for NxOgre (although that sometimes helped in other projects without NxOgre).
22-02-2009 20:05:57
Hmm. Weird, are you referring to Bloody Mess with your intellisense problem?
Intellisense used to be useless with the containers, but in BloodyMess it's pretty good. I think it's due to Ogre or PhysX not being used in the headers of NxOgre anymore.
22-02-2009 20:34:49
I'm refering to my NxOgreDemo- and TestCase (or every other own project in which I use NxOgre).
22-02-2009 21:18:36
Using BloodyMess or Bleeding?
Like I said I haven't had much problems with BloodyMess and intellisense using Visual Studio 2008. I did have problems especially with the PhysX classes in Bleeding and Visual Studio 2005 though.
22-02-2009 21:41:57
I use BloodyMess and VisualStudio 2005.
22-02-2009 21:44:49
Perhaps it's Visual Studio 2005 then. I really don't have any major problems with it in 2008.
22-02-2009 22:08:04
With 2008, I have find and replace __nxogre_begin with namespace NxOgre { for anything to work right. I'm using BloodyMess
23-02-2009 00:07:39
Well that's just silly. I can't see how two exact compilers/IDEs have different problems.
However; I changed it. Shame really, since I like __nxogre_begin
23-02-2009 00:50:35
OK. Let me be silly here for a small bit:
Did you try and add the appropriate directories to
Tools - Options - Projects and Solutions - VC++ Directories - Source Files ?
That's what I do when IntelliSense goofs up.
Doing it with Ogre, with wxWidgets, and I guess you can do it with BloodyMess too.
Don't let the name fool you: add the headers.
23-02-2009 08:28:34
Thank you Jacmoe. It solved my problems with containers (1.0.22T5) and wxwidgets AUI
25-02-2009 18:47:56
Which version are you using? Because, it didn't work for me (neither with NxOgre nor with wxWidgets
). I personally use VS 2005 Professional Edition.
EDIT: I just recognized, that it works for NxOgre in some parts of my code, but not everywhere. Can't say whether that worked there also before I tried jacmoe's trick.
25-02-2009 20:15:18
2008 pr0+ visaul asstisst x