15-04-2009 20:39:51
How can I disable rotation around one or two axes for nx actor? Im trying to achieve something like upvector in newton.
15-04-2009 21:07:32
You can raise the following body flags to prevent moving or rotating the actor;
Sorry for my ignorance, but how exactly can i raise those body flags on a actor? Can't find it anywhere..
These option would be very useful in the game i'm working on...
Thanks in advance
It's a method of NxOgre::Body
So you have to use: my_body->raiseBodyFlag();
Thank you for your answer Fred.
I'm using Bloody Mess and I'm creating a OGRE3DBody, which inherits from NxActor been trying to find that method, but NxOgre::Actor doensn't have it, and i find it strange because betajaen said this in an
older thread that discussed the same method:
There is a 27 Meg document that comes with PhysX that tells you these things. If you haven't noticed already all the methods in Actor are the same in NxActor which are documentated in said PhysX documentation.
Correct me if i'm wrong please...
Thanks in advance
29-04-2009 23:26:29
I doesn't have them I'm afraid, but a few hours ago I put them in. So you'll get to play with them in the next release.