Creating ragdoll data


24-01-2010 04:12:42

Scythe is not a solution for me right now, so does anyone know how I could generate ragdoll data like that which is in the ragdoll demo for other models?

I have a human model I want to setup ragdoll physics to, how is everyone else doing that?


tuan kuranes

26-01-2010 11:45:17

it's to be written by hand.
The collision proxy type is up to your feeling and optimisation importance (box is faster than capsule for instance)
The bone/joint is up to what constraint you want to put on each joint.

I think, from memory, that by default or using a flag it generates one if you don't give it. Than you can save it and rework it joint by joint.


27-01-2010 21:28:47

Here is the problem I see. The zombie model's bones are named more like joints, example LeftAnkel, LeftElbow.

Most models including mine are named LeftUpperarm, LeftFoot.

How do I match up the example data to a typical models bone names?

Like is the zombie's Left ankle the same as a typical models left foot?

tuan kuranes

28-01-2010 11:27:31

The zombie model's bones are named more like joints, example LeftAnkel, LeftElbow.
Most models including mine are named LeftUpperarm, LeftFoot.

I think once one made a bone-joint name "mapping". check forums for that.
Otherwise, why not using your names in your own ogreode file ?

How do I match up the example data to a typical models bone names?
Ogreode ragdoll is totally skeletal type agnostic, meaning you can/should do your own ragdoll data to be specific about your model constraints


29-01-2010 19:05:59

Maybe you should take a look at the Scythe Physics Editor, recall reading on the main forum it was now open source. I haven't used it so don't know how good it is, but it's worth a try.

From the site it appears to support plugins for Ode/PhysX etc and the creation of ragdolls.


29-01-2010 21:24:35

Scythe is not a solution for me right now

I have spent the last few months on Scythe, at this point it is broken and needs a lot of work. The importer doesn't work, and the new version (source only) crashes and that's after a lot of work I personally put into it just getting to to properly start.


30-01-2010 03:41:48

Scythe is not a solution for me right now

I have spent the last few months on Scythe, at this point it is broken and needs a lot of work. The importer doesn't work, and the new version (source only) crashes and that's after a lot of work I personally put into it just getting to to properly start.

Sorry missed that :oops: