assert (_total_time - _step_size < cEpsilon)


06-11-2006 11:42:50

Hello. I am new to physics simulation, and all I have done is a very simple simulation containing a ball and a plane. Sometimes I get stuck in an assert line in the file ogreodestepper.cpp in the function ForwardFixedInterpolatedQuickStepper::step

assert (_total_time - _step_size < cEpsilon)

My _step_size is set to 0.01

I have no idea what i need to do to get rid of this problem :(


23-11-2006 17:51:18

Hmm I have the same issue. It happens randomly after running for a few seconds. The debugger at that assert shows these values

did_run true bool
timeLeft -1.0737418e+008 const float
timeInterpolated -1.0737418e+008 const float
time 0.015625000 const float

_step_size 0.0099999998 float
_total_time 0.010000119 float
cEpsilon 1.1920929e-007 const float


28-11-2006 04:07:55

Try increasing the step size to 0.02.

tuan kuranes

29-11-2006 14:16:43

it's an OgreOde bug, fixed in next version. meanwhile comment that assert.