Creating a rotating platform


06-02-2007 20:33:50


I'm currently working on a platform/puzzle game using OgreOde, and i've run into a little problem.

The idea of this game is to rotate the level itself to help you naviagte your character (which is built using the create walking character tutorial) to the end of the level, to this end all the platforms in the level can rotate around the world origin.

At first, i just had a collision Geometry (no body) around the individual bloacks that make up the platforms, and could rotate them at a button press. However this raises a problem.

for example it is possible for blocks to rotate down onto the players position from 'above'. This should cause a collision and the player should be forced down by the blocks, however so far all that happens is that the player passes through blocks. Is this because the blocks have no body, or is it a fault of the collision detection?

Secondly, is it possible to change things so that if i created a blocks with a body that didn't fall apart instantly, or while rotating [which i've managed] would it be possible to set the character body in such a way that if it made contact with a rotating block that there wouldn't be any force applied to the blocks, just to the character

Thanks in advance.
-Herr Cron