

03-03-2007 02:54:53

In order to change the collision behaviour of my camera I need to create the contact joint not between the collided objects but between the object hit by the camera and the static environment (i have this from ode mailing list). I just dont find the point in ogreode where the contactjoint is created. Can somebody tell me?


25-05-2007 14:15:10

I have a similar problem. I´m building a marble game, where the marble rolls over a rotatable board. The board shall influence the marble, but the marble not the board.
So if theres a collision, I´like to attach the contact Joint only to the marble, not to the board, but I can´t get access to set the geoms, cause contact->_contact is private.

Is there another way?


26-05-2007 10:23:34

Or if theres no other way, how can I build OgreOde_core.lib and OgreOde_core.dll correctly and change _contact to public (or add a getter)? I always get houndreds of warnings about "Inconsistent DLL-Binding" (and errors with static stuff).


26-05-2007 13:01:51

pls post the errors


27-05-2007 08:17:21

its like this:

..\src\OgreOdeWorld.cpp(274) : warning C4273: 'OgreOde::World::~World': Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung.
../../include\OgreOdeWorld.h(41): Siehe vorherige Definition von '{dtor}'
..\..\src\OgreOdeUtility.cpp(9) : warning C4273: 'Infinity': Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung.
../../include\OgreOdeUtility.h(16): Siehe vorherige Definition von 'public: static float const OgreOde::Utility::Infinity'
..\..\src\OgreOdeUtility.cpp(9) : error C2491: 'OgreOde::Utility::Infinity': Definition von Statisches Datenmember für dllimport nicht zulässig
..\..\src\OgreOdeUtility.cpp(12) : warning C4273: 'OgreOde::Utility::randomReal': Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung.
../../include\OgreOdeUtility.h(14): Siehe vorherige Definition von 'randomReal'

and so on

(sorry its in german) freely traslated it says:

..\src\OgreOdeWorld.cpp(274) : warning C4273: 'OgreOde::World::~World': Inconsistent DLL-Binding.
../../include\OgreOdeWorld.h(41): See earlier definition of '{dtor}'
..\..\src\OgreOdeUtility.cpp(9) : warning C4273: 'Infinity': Inconsistent DLL-Binding.
../../include\OgreOdeUtility.h(16): See earlier definition of 'public: static float const OgreOde::Utility::Infinity'
..\..\src\OgreOdeUtility.cpp(9) : error C2491: 'OgreOde::Utility::Infinity': Definition of a static data member for dllimport not allowed


28-05-2007 00:58:28

try to download the latest ogreode sdk from ogrecvs, i guess you are using ogreode source at the moment?


28-05-2007 14:06:33

Yes I do. I will try out your hint.
Thank you very much :)


28-05-2007 21:17:31

I think, but Im not sure, there was something wrong with the library settings in the ogreode source version..