Problems with OIS


08-03-2007 13:02:20

Hi, I have found some problems trying to compile the ogreode examples.... here's the problem:

Landscape.obj : error LNK2019: external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(class OIS::InputManager *)" (__imp_?destroyInputSystem@InputManager@OIS@@SAXPAV12@@Z) withour resolving......... "public: virtual void __thiscall ExampleFrameListener::windowClosed(class Ogre::RenderWindow *)" (?windowClosed@ExampleFrameListener@@UAEXPAVRenderWindow@Ogre@@@Z)

I am currently using de OgreOde CVS version, ode 0.8 and Ogre 1.4.
Any help will be appreciated.


04-04-2007 11:48:01

Hi, I have found some problems trying to compile the ogreode examples....

As this Ogre wiki entry tells, you should link against OIS.lib (or OIS_d.lib if building a Debug release). How to actually do that depends on what compiler you are using. With gcc it would be '-lOIS' added to compiler's parameters.

I had a bit different problem: building OgreOde gave multiple "Cannot open include file: 'OIS/OIS.h'" errors. One of the files being referenced by errors is Ogre's exampleframelistener.h that OgreOde #includes. It was weird, as Ogre itself uses the same file and compiles just fine... So I thought it was an indication of something different in OgreOde's .vcproj than Ogre's.

The solution was to manually add include ('$(OGRE_SRC)\Dependencies\Include') and lib ('$(OGRE_SRC)\Dependencies\Lib') paths to the three demos in the OgreOde solution.

Is this the normal procedure, a glitch in this version of OgreOde_CVS.sln or just misconfigured Visual Studio? I failed to find any help from any documentation.

Oh, I am also using OgreOde_CVS, Ode 0.8_SVN and Ogre 1.4.