OgreOde with Ogre 1.4.x and Ode 0.8


08-08-2007 10:05:08

I'm trying to compile OgreOde and I have a problem at the time to compile the samples of OgreOde. I have installed OgreOde 1.4.x and Ode 0.8. I think that the problem is that the Ogre version 1.2 include the features OIS, and the new not. The errors are the following:

../include/SimpleScenes.h:49: error: ‘InputReader’ has not been declared
../include/SimpleScenes.h:50: error: ‘InputReader’ has not been declared
../include/SimpleScenesApplication.h:104: error: ‘InputReader’ has not been declared
../include/SimpleScenesApplication.h:105: error: ‘InputReader’ has not been declared
../include/SimpleScenes_BoxStack.h:35: error: ‘InputReader’ has not been declared
../include/SimpleScenes_BoxStack.h: In member function ‘virtual void SimpleScenes_BoxStack::frameEnded(Ogre::Real, int*)’:
../include/SimpleScenes_BoxStack.h:43: error: request for member ‘isKeyDown’ in ‘* input’, which is of non-class type ‘int’
../include/SimpleScenes_BoxStack.h:43: error: ‘KC_Z’ was not declared in this scope

I included the directory of OIS but neither works. My ./configure line is this:
./configure --with-samples=/home/DescIns/ogrenew/Samples CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/OIS" CFLAGS="-march=pentium-m"

Can you say anything about this problem???
Thanks you.


Buenos días,
Estoy intentando compilar OgreOde y tengo problemas a la hora de compilar los ejemplos. Tengo instalado Ogre 1.4.x y Ode 0.8. Por los errores que me da creo que se trata de conflictos con el paquete OIS. En la versión 1.2 de Ogre lo llevaba incluido, pero en la nueva lo he tenido que instalar a parte. El tipo de errores que me da son los siguientes:

[Ver arriba]

En la ejecución del configure he incluido el directorio del OIS por si era problema de que no lo encontraba, pero no ha funcionado:
./configure --with-samples=/home/DescIns/ogrenew/Samples CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/OIS" CFLAGS="-march=pentium-m"

Estaria muy agradecido si me pudierais decir alguna cosa al respecto.


08-08-2007 13:05:42

please upgrade to the cvs version of ogreode if you havn't already, it should work then.


16-08-2007 07:52:37

Well, well, thanks you very much. I could install ogreOde. I think then than should be update the link to the package of the zip download, because the new people put "download ogreode" into google search and find this un-updated version.

There are a new problem. If I try to execute the ogreode examples, it breaks down. I can execute the ogre examples of the folder, but I can't execute the ogreode examples.

I hope you can give me an answer.



17-08-2007 12:05:26

Check Ogre.log for problems. If see entries in your log such as the following then the media dir is not being picked up:

An exception has occured: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Sky box material 'kk3d/DesertVII' not found. in SceneManager::setSkyBox at OgreSceneManager.cpp (line 1451)

An exception has occured: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Sky box material 'GranTurismOgre/Skybox' not found. in SceneManager::setSkyBox at OgreSceneManager.cpp (line 1451)

If it's the above then create a new media dir "ogrenew/Samples/Media/ogreode" and copy across the contents of "ogreode/demos/Media" and update resources.cfg with:


And try rerunning the demos.

Otherwise post more details of your exact problem


19-08-2007 15:53:28

Oh, yes! This was the problem! I was amazing, two problems, two solutions at the moment. Now I can enjoy with OgreOde!



23-08-2007 19:30:28

I am tring compile ogre 1.4.3 with ogreode, i see this post for me use ogreode cvs, i donwload the ogreode of cvs but have one problems in the project of the visual c++ of the ogreode_CVS and the folder ode is version 0.5.

What i can do for compile ogreode of cvs?



28-08-2007 11:30:43

I don't know, I work with Linux.
About the ode 0.5 I do this:
I download the latest version of ode http://www.ode.org and compile. Then, I copy and paste this compiled directory inside the directory with the same name (ode) of the ogreode. In your case, under Windows there are the binary files, so you haven't to compile this.


31-08-2007 20:39:41

thanks i do.

1 - i download the ogreode of cvs
2 - rename folder ode-0.5 for ode
3 - copy folder ode(version 0.8) for ogreode/ode and overwrite all files
4 - i compile ogreode_cvs no problem



12-10-2007 10:57:36

I have installed OgreOde 1.4.x and Ode 0.8. I think that the problem is that the Ogre version 1.2 include the features OIS, and the new not.