new Body() Error (Eihort 1.4.9/OgreODE SDK/ODE 0.10.1)


03-10-2008 05:10:42

Hi again...Since my previous topic wasn't answered, I decided to use the SDK version of OgreODE instead (without modifying visitRenderables). This time, I tried to implement into my game, but an error occurred here:

mBody = new OgreOde::Body(mWorld);

And after "stepping into" it (using some std::cout), the error occurred at this line:


And my game crashes right there.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. By the way, again, this is coded in Visual Studio 2005.


06-10-2008 11:01:06

I apologize for not answering your first post. I have read it but compilation errors are quite odd because every now and then they seem to change and I am not going to recompile my OgreOde version in every case and see if I can reproduce and fix them. So you are probably on your own to find a solution, but I read every post in this forum and try to help where I can if any further questions occur. If I dont answer I just dont know. In any case I strongly recommend to use the SVN version of OgreOde as I do not know when the SDK was updated the last time.


06-10-2008 11:10:32

Hi, thanks for your reply. I finally managed to solve it on my own though. Turns out that the error occurred due to some difference between ReleaseSingleLib and ReleaseDoubleLib builds.

However, I'm now experiencing some weird logical errors, but I guess I'll leave that for another thread.

On another note, I'm still unable to compile the SVN version of OgreOde (at least on ReleaseDoubleLib), so until you can solve those problems, I'll stick to the SDK version for now. Thanks again.