Question about Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes


16-12-2008 16:17:50

Hi all,

I´m very new to ODE and just looking at the demos of it. I´m using Ogre and am looking for a Physic Engine I can manage to use. I first started with Newton but had quite a few problems, so I decided to try ODE.

While looking at the ODE Demos I used the possibility to show the AABB of the bodies there and saw, that even a sphere has a box as AABB. No while writing this I see, that I probaply mixe something up and I hope someone can tell me the difference of a collision Body(like in Newton) and an AABB.

I guess the Collision Body is for detecting Collisions, but what is the AABB good for if not for the Collision detection

thank you for your help



16-12-2008 22:15:00

aabbs are used to check if an object is visible. in this case its not necessary that the computation is exact but instead its lethal that the computation is fast