02-08-2009 21:57:33
i had asked if it could be done and they made the wrapper for it i havnt tested it yet as im not ready to input this yet but im sure afew of you are
02-08-2009 21:57:33
05-08-2009 18:17:42
09-08-2009 03:30:34
09-08-2009 10:39:50
09-08-2009 21:19:10
09-08-2009 21:57:10
using Mogre.PhysX;
// pseudo c#
class Whateva
static Physics p;
static Scene mainscene;
public static Physics InitPhysicsAndCreateScene()
var scd = new SceneDesc( SceneFlags.EnableActiveTransforms );
scd.BackgroundThreadCount = 2;
p = Phyics.Create();
mainscene = p.CreateScene( scd );
return p;
public static StopPhysics()
p.Dispose(); // also disposes all the scenes/actors/bodies/joints etcetera.
public static void OnFirstFrame()
mainscene.Simulate( 0 );
public static void AfterFrameUpdate()
// make all changes to the state of PhysX objects before this line
const float dt = 1.0f / 60;
// begin calculating next frame
mainscene.Simulate( dt );
public static void BeforeFrameUpdate()
// get physics results from previous frame
mainscene.FetchResults( SimulationStatuses.AllFinished, true );
// now copy all matrices (that have changed) from physx to your engine's scene graph
using ( var ats = mainscene.GetActiveTransforms() )
foreach ( var at in ats )
Node n = (Node)at.Actor.UserData; // I don't know what kind of scene elements Mogre uses, sorry
if ( n == null ) continue;
n.WorldMatrix = at.Actor2World;
10-08-2009 05:10:41
17-09-2009 09:18:24
11-11-2009 00:35:45
15-12-2009 07:00:56
19-12-2009 12:46:54
19-12-2009 14:40:17
24-12-2009 19:29:44
void DebugRenderer_renderData(DebugRenderable data)
24-12-2009 20:08:14
02-01-2010 15:34:40
02-01-2010 23:13:31
03-01-2010 00:29:43
03-01-2010 02:10:38
protected const long tickspersec = 10000000;
protected static long lasttickcount;
protected static double t = 0;
protected static double dt = 0;
protected PhysX.Scene phscene;
//the "startToUpdatephysx" is so that it wont try get the scenenodes before it has created everything.
protected bool StartToUpdatePhysx = false;
protected Physics physics;
private int PhysxBoxCount = 1;
Vector3 pos = new Mogre.Vector3(200, 200, 200);
var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 100, new BoxShapeDesc(new Vector3(2, 2, 2)));
ad.GlobalPosition = pos;
var a = phscene.CreateActor(ad);
Entity planeEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity( ("Actor_" + PhysxBoxCount) , SceneManager.PrefabType.PT_CUBE);
var physxnodew = sceneMgr.CreateSceneNode("Forphysx");
physxnodew._update(true, true);
PhysxBoxCount += 1;
StartToUpdatePhysx = true;
foreach (var a in phscene.Actors)
if (!a.IsDynamic) continue;
//get the global pose of the first dynamic object (the one we created above):
var mat = a.GlobalPose;
if (StartToUpdatePhysx)
//get the scenenode in mogre
var scenenode = sceneMgr.GetSceneNode("Forphysx");
//get the actor:
var test2 = sceneMgr.GetEntity("Actor_1");
//set the node's position to where the physx box position is:
test2.ParentSceneNode.Position = mat.GetTrans();
//make the camera look at the box.
08-01-2010 20:51:48
09-01-2010 01:31:03
10-01-2010 12:33:00
14-01-2010 17:57:26
var physxXmlscene = PhysicsCollection.Load("c:\\test.xml", NXUFileTypes.XML);
var testvector = new Mogre.Matrix4(0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f,0f);
physxXmlscene.Instantiate(physics, phscene, testvector, null);
17-01-2010 23:22:01
//Get the translation of the object in physx.
var temptransphys = mat.GetTrans();
//split them up to each axis.
var tempTransPhysxX = temptransphys.x;
var tempTransPhysxY = temptransphys.y;
var temptransphysxz = temptransphys.z;
// Set the translation in Mogre, but as you see
//we swap the "Y in mogre with Z in physx"
var temptransogrex = tempTransPhysxX;
var temptransogrey = temptransphysxz;
var temptransogrez = tempTransPhysxY;
26-01-2010 15:44:28
29-01-2010 18:31:24
//parse through all physx actors
foreach (Actor a in phscene.Actors)
//if it's kinematic
if (a.BodyFlags.Kinematic)
SceneNode mogreSceneNodeName = sceneMgr.GetSceneNode(a.Name);
Quaternion mogreSceneNodeRot = mogreSceneNodeName.Orientation;
Quaternion MogreToPhysxRot = mogreSceneNodeRot;
float temprotPhysxX = mogreSceneNodeRot.x;
float temprotPhysxY = mogreSceneNodeRot.y;
float temprotPhysxZ = mogreSceneNodeRot.z;
float temprotogreX = temprotPhysxX;
float temprotogreY = temprotPhysxZ;
float temprotogreZ = temprotPhysxY;
MogreToPhysxRot.x = temprotogreX;
MogreToPhysxRot.y = temprotogreY;
MogreToPhysxRot.z = temprotogreZ;
a.GlobalOrientationQuaternion = MogreToPhysxRot;
//Code for dynamics goes here....(see earlier posts).
01-02-2010 16:50:18
var mogreSceneNodetrans = mogreSceneNodeName.Position;
// get the Physx node global pos, in this case a kinematic.
Vector3 tempPhysxTrans = a.GlobalPosition;
//get the mogre objects position.
var tempMogreTrans = mogreSceneNodetrans;
//convert it to match.
tempPhysxTrans.x = tempMogreTrans.x;
tempPhysxTrans.y = tempMogreTrans.z;
tempPhysxTrans.z = tempMogreTrans.y;
//For my scene I have to scale it by 100.
//apply it to physx object.
a.GlobalPosition = tempPhysxTrans / 100;
07-02-2010 11:58:54
26-12-2010 11:49:38
var _staticmeshdata = new StaticMeshData(ent.GetMesh());
var asdf = CreateConvexHull(_staticmeshdata);
//The asdf variable contains the mesh data..
//This is where it throws an exception..
var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 1,new ConvexShapeDesc(asdf));
10-01-2011 14:55:03
CapsuleShapeDesc csd = new CapsuleShapeDesc(0.2f,12f);
csd.LocalPosition = new Vector3(0, -0.2f, 0);
csd.Density = 0;
PhysX.ActorDesc flagPoleDsc = new ActorDesc(csd);
flagPoleDsc.Density = 0;
PhysX.Actor flagPole = phscene.CreateActor(flagPoleDsc);
PhysX.ClothDesc cp = new ClothDesc();
cp.Thickness = 0.2f;
cp.BendingStiffness = 0.5f;
cp.Friction = 0.25f;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Bending;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.CollisionTwoway;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Visualization;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Hardware;
cp.WindAcceleration = new Vector3(-20, 12, -1);
cp.Density = 0.15f;
// cp.meshMaterial = "nx.flag"; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.
// cp.height = 8; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.
// cp.width = 0.15f; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.
flag.AttachToShape(flagPole.Shapes[0], PhysX.ClothAttachmentFlags.Twoway);
11-01-2011 09:41:29
11-01-2011 10:03:19
11-01-2011 10:24:06
11-01-2011 10:26:17
12-01-2011 07:48:18
12-01-2011 07:51:07
Cloth is now supported. Also cloth mesh cooking. 2008-05-21 ... PhysX Candy Wrapper was built against .NET Framework 3.5, but it compiles under the 2.0 ...
12-01-2011 09:43:52
hi again.
But I'm having trouble with the cooking of meshes.
I've used the funtions here:
I get the static mesh data with this function:
public class StaticMeshData
but then when I want to create the shape it does not work.
I use this function:
public ConvexShapeDesc CreateConvexHull(StaticMeshData meshData)
my code is this:
var _staticmeshdata = new StaticMeshData(ent.GetMesh());
var asdf = CreateConvexHull(_staticmeshdata);
//The asdf variable contains the mesh data..
//This is where it throws an exception..
var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 1,new ConvexShapeDesc(asdf));
12-01-2011 10:01:37
public void CookMesh()
Vector3 pos = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
float tempy = pos.y;
Random random = new Random();
var temprandom = random.Next(1, 300);
pos.x = temprandom;
pos.y = 100;
pos.z = temprandom;
//Cook ogre head mesh here.
Entity ent;
Console.WriteLine("Cooking mesh..");
// Add a head, give it it's own node
SceneNode headNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
ent = sceneMgr.CreateEntity(("head" + PhysxBoxCount), "ogrehead.mesh");
ent.ParentSceneNode.Scale(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
Console.WriteLine("Created head:" + ("head" + PhysxBoxCount) as string);
PhysxBoxCount += 1;
//var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 1, new SphereShapeDesc(1.0f));
var _staticmeshdata = new StaticMeshData(ent.GetMesh());
var asdf = CreateConvexHull(_staticmeshdata);
//var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 1, new SphereShapeDesc(1.0f));
//var ad = new ActorDesc(new BodyDesc(), 1,new ConvexShapeDesc(asdf.ConvexMesh));
//NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc bunnyShapeDesc;
//bunnyShapeDesc.meshData = bunnyTriangleMesh;
//NxBodyDesc bodyDesc;
//NxActorDesc actorDesc;
//actorDesc.body = &bodyDesc;
//actorDesc.density = 1.0f;
//NxActor* newActor = gScene->createActor(actorDesc);
ad.Name = "Actor_" + PhysxBoxCount;
ad.GlobalPosition = pos;
12-01-2011 10:25:38
12-01-2011 10:34:49
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA PhysX SDK\v2.8.3\Samples\SampleCloth\src
12-01-2011 12:45:56
15-11-2016 03:52:40
Plane p=new Plane(Vector3.UNIT_Y, 0);
PlaneShapeDesc pdesc=new PlaneShapeDesc(p)
16-11-2016 05:08:52
class TestCloth
public TestCloth(Scene scene, ClothDesc clothdesc, float width, float height, float length, string txtFileName, bool tearLines)
ClothMeshDesc desc=new ClothMeshDesc();
generateRegularMeshDesc(desc, width, height, length, true, false);
private void generateRegularMeshDesc(ClothMeshDesc desc,float w,float h,float d,bool txtCoods,bool tearLines)
int numX = (int)(w / d) + 1;
int numY = (int)(h / d) + 1;
desc.VertexCount = ((uint)numX+1)*((uint)numY+1);
desc.TriangleCount = (uint)(numX * numY) * 2;
desc.PointsByteStride = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(new Vector3());
desc.TrianglesByteStride = (uint)sizeof(UInt32);
desc.VertexMassesByteStride = (uint)sizeof(float);
desc.VertexFlagsByteStride = (uint)sizeof(UInt32);
desc. = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(Marshal.SizeOf(new Vector3()) * desc.VertexCount));
desc.TrianglesPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(UInt32)*desc.TriangleCount));
//desc.VertexMassesPtr = mas;
int i, j;
Vector3 p = (Vector3)desc.PointsPtr;
for (i = 0; i <= numY; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= numX; j++)
p.(d * j, 0.0f, d * i);
void MyCloth::generateRegularMeshDesc(NxClothMeshDesc &desc, NxReal w, NxReal h, NxReal d, bool texCoords, bool tearLines)
int numX = (int)(w / d) + 1;
int numY = (int)(h / d) + 1;
desc.numVertices = (numX+1) * (numY+1);
desc.numTriangles = numX*numY*2;
desc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3);
desc.triangleStrideBytes = 3*sizeof(NxU32);
desc.vertexMassStrideBytes = sizeof(NxReal);
desc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32);
desc.points = (NxVec3*)malloc(sizeof(NxVec3)*desc.numVertices);
desc.triangles = (NxU32*)malloc(sizeof(NxU32)*desc.numTriangles*3);
desc.vertexMasses = 0;
desc.vertexFlags = 0;
desc.flags = 0;
mMaxVertices = TEAR_MEMORY_FACTOR * desc.numVertices;
mMaxIndices = 3 * desc.numTriangles;
int i,j;
NxVec3 *p = (NxVec3*)desc.points;
for (i = 0; i <= numY; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= numX; j++) {
p->set(d*j, 0.0f, d*i);
if (texCoords) {
mTempTexCoords = (GLfloat *)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat)*2*TEAR_MEMORY_FACTOR*desc.numVertices);
GLfloat *f = mTempTexCoords;
GLfloat dx = 1.0f; if (numX > 0) dx /= numX;
GLfloat dy = 1.0f; if (numY > 0) dy /= numY;
for (i = 0; i <= numY; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= numX; j++) {
*f++ = j*dx;
*f++ = i*dy;
mNumTempTexCoords = desc.numVertices;
mNumTempTexCoords = 0;
mTempTexCoords = NULL;
NxU32 *id = (NxU32*)desc.triangles;
for (i = 0; i < numY; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < numX; j++) {
NxU32 i0 = i * (numX+1) + j;
NxU32 i1 = i0 + 1;
NxU32 i2 = i0 + (numX+1);
NxU32 i3 = i2 + 1;
if ((j+i)%2) {
*id++ = i0; *id++ = i2; *id++ = i1;
*id++ = i1; *id++ = i2; *id++ = i3;
else {
*id++ = i0; *id++ = i2; *id++ = i3;
*id++ = i0; *id++ = i3; *id++ = i1;
// generate tear lines if necessary
generateTearLines(desc, numX + 1, numY + 1);
19-11-2016 13:13:57
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Supplied NxActorDesc is not valid. createActor returns NULL." [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,894]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::simulate: The elapsed time must be non-negative!" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,2762]
PhysX: (InvalidParameter) "Scene::fetchResults: simulate() was not called or aborted" [..\..\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp,3077]
12-01-2017 03:47:59