FModNet Sound Library Manager code v0.1


08-02-2010 08:52:04

* Time:2010-02-08
* Author:Rains (QQ:233685340)
* Memo:FMode声音库 管理器
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FMOD;
using FMODNet;

namespace FMODNet.Mehdi_Media_Player {
static class SoundManager {
#region 字段

private static FMOD.System system = null;

private static Sound music = null;

private static string currentPath;
private static Channel Channel = null;

public delegate void EndMusicEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public delegate void ErrorEventHandler(RESULT result);

private static CHANNEL_CALLBACK channelCallback;
public static event EndMusicEventHandler EndMusic;
public static event ErrorEventHandler EngineError;

#region 属性

public static string CurrentPath {
get { return currentPath; }
set { currentPath = value; }
public static Sound Music {
get { return music; }

#region Init-UpDate-Release

public static void Initialize(int NbChannel) {
RESULT result;

result = Factory.System_Create(ref system);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

uint version = 0;

result = system.getVersion(ref version);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

if (version < VERSION.number) {
throw new ApplicationException("错误!您使用的FMOD版本已经过期 " + version.ToString("X") + ". 当前最新版本是 " + VERSION.number.ToString("X") + ".");

result = system.init(NbChannel, INITFLAG.NORMAL, (IntPtr)null);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
channelCallback = new CHANNEL_CALLBACK(OnEndMusic);

public static void Update() {
RESULT result = system.update();
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static void Release() {
if (music != null) {
result = music.release();
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
if (system != null)
result = system.release();
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

#region 主要方法
#region 播放 方法

public static void Play() {
public static void Play(string path) {
Play(path, false);
public static void Play(string path, bool paused) {
bool isPlaying = false;

if (Channel != null) {
//si la musique existe
//result = Channel.isPlaying(ref isPlaying);
isPlaying = Channel.IsPlaying;
else {
isPlaying = false;

//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

if ((currentPath == path) && isPlaying)//si la musique du chemin courant est entrain detre joué
else if (currentPath == path)//sinon la musique du chemin courant nest pas entrain detre joué
FMOD.Channel c = Channel.SoundChanel;
result = system.playSound(CHANNELINDEX.FREE, music.sound, false, ref c);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
if (Channel != null)
result = Channel.SoundChanel.setCallback(channelCallback);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
else {

//si cest une nouvelle musique
if (music != null) {

if (Channel != null) {
Channel = null;

result = music.release();
music = null;
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

result = system.createStream(path, MODE.SOFTWARE | MODE.CREATECOMPRESSEDSAMPLE | MODE.LOOP_OFF, ref music.sound);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
FMOD.Channel c = Channel.SoundChanel;
result = system.playSound(CHANNELINDEX.FREE, music.sound, paused, ref c);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
if (Channel != null)
result = Channel.setCallback(channelCallback);
if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
currentPath = path;
#region 停止方法
public static void Stop() {
if (Channel != null) {
Channel = null;
//RESULT result = Channel.stop();
//Channel = null;
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
#region 暂停方法

public static bool GetPaused() {
bool pause = false;
if (Channel != null) {
return Channel.GetPaused();
//RESULT result = Channel.getPaused(ref pause);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
return pause;
public static void SetPaused(bool stat) {
if (Channel != null) {
//RESULT result = Channel.setPaused(stat);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static void SetPaused() {
bool paused = false;
if (Channel != null) {
//RESULT result = Channel.getPaused(ref paused);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
//result = Channel.setPaused(!paused);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

#region 音量控制
public static void SetMute() {
bool mute = false;
if (Channel != null) {
//RESULT result = Channel.getMute(ref mute);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
//result = Channel.setMute(!mute);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static void SetMute(bool value) {
if (Channel != null) {
//RESULT result = Channel.setMute(value);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static bool GetMute() {
bool mute = false;
if (Channel != null) {
return Channel.getMute();
//RESULT result = Channel.getMute(ref mute);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
return mute;
public static float GetVolume() {
float vol = 1.0f;

if (Channel != null) {
vol = Channel.Volume;
//RESULT result = Channel.getVolume(ref vol);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
return vol;
public static void SetVolume(float Value) {
Value = Math.Abs(Value);
if (Channel != null) {
Channel.Volume = Value;
//RESULT result = Channel.setVolume(Value);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
#region 频率

public static float GetFrequency() {
float frq = 0;
if (Channel != null) {
frq = Channel.Pitch;
//RESULT result = Channel.getFrequency(ref frq);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
return ((frq * 100.0f) / 48000);
public static void SetFrequency(float freq) {
if (Channel != null) {
Channel.Pitch=(freq * 48000 / 100.0f);
//RESULT result = Channel.setFrequency(freq * 48000 / 100.0f);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

#region 位置

public static void SetPosition(uint pos) {
uint ln = 0;
if (music != null) ln=(uint)music.Length;//getLength(ref ln, TIMEUNIT.MS);
pos = (ln * pos / 100);
if (Channel != null) {
Channel.Position = (int)pos;
//RESULT result = Channel.setPosition(pos, TIMEUNIT.MS);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static uint GetPosition() {
uint ln = 0;
uint ms = 0;
if (music != null) {
//RESULT result = music.getLength(ref ln, TIMEUNIT.MS);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
ms = GetMsPosition();
ms = (100 * ms / ln);
ms = 0;
return ms;
public static void SetMsPosition(uint ms) {
if (Channel != null) {
Channel.Position = (int)ms;
//RESULT result = Channel.setPosition(ms, TIMEUNIT.MS);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
public static uint GetMsPosition() {
uint ms = 0;
if (Channel != null) {
//RESULT result = Channel.getPosition(ref ms, TIMEUNIT.MS);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);

return (uint)Channel.Position;
return ms;
public static uint GetLength() {
uint ln = 0;
if (music != null) ln=(uint)music.Length;//getLength(ref ln, TIMEUNIT.MS);
return ln;

#region 事件
//RESULT CHANNEL_CALLBACK(IntPtr channelraw, CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE type, IntPtr commanddata1, IntPtr commanddata2);
private static RESULT OnEndMusic(IntPtr channelraw, FMOD.CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE type, IntPtr commanddata1, IntPtr commanddata2) {
Channel = null;//
if (EndMusic != null)
EndMusic(currentPath, new EventArgs());

return RESULT.OK;
#region 错误提示

public static void ShowErrorException(RESULT result) {
if (result != RESULT.OK) {
throw new ApplicationException("Sound Manager Error! " + result + " - " + Error.String(result));

public static void ShowErrorDialogBox(RESULT result, string AppName) {
if (result != RESULT.OK) {
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sound Manager Error! " + result + " - " + Error.String(result), AppName, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

#region 其他

public static bool IsPlaying() {
bool ply = false;
if (Channel != null) {
return Channel.IsPlaying;
//RESULT result = Channel.isPlaying(ref ply);
//if (EngineError != null) EngineError(result);
return ply;



08-02-2010 08:55:48

you use it must have the FMod Liabrary Wrapper by DotNet


13-03-2010 08:34:52

the fmod source wrapper in c# in here


26-12-2010 11:38:25

the fmod source wrapper in c# in here

Nice would be if you re-publish the code on a website with english language, because most Ogre users doesn't speak Chinese.
It seems so, that you (andyhebear1) are the author. In this case you could use the official repository as host for this add-on. So it's on a central place and can't get lost. (I saw several nice projects, add-ons, tutorials etc. which were on private websites or file hosters and got lost after some months or years. This is sad. So a repository would be more save.)
What do you think about?

What are the experiences of other people?
Did anybody use this library and can give a tiny feedback?