08-02-2010 22:53:21
After ATTACHING MOVABLE OBJECT to bone - iterator of atached objects see new movable object.
After i save mesh:
Size of mesh has change, but when i reload again this saved mesh - is no visible attached obj.And iterator not see new attached to bone obj. before save.
Also analogically saving the skeleton -no give effect.
What i missing7. Thanks all.
After i save mesh:
Mogre.Mesh mesh = .ent.GetMesh();
using (Mogre.MeshSerializer ms = new Mogre.MeshSerializer())
ms.ExportMesh(mesh, "C:/saved.mesh");
Size of mesh has change, but when i reload again this saved mesh - is no visible attached obj.And iterator not see new attached to bone obj. before save.
Also analogically saving the skeleton -no give effect.
What i missing7. Thanks all.