Mogre Wrapping Bug In Manual Object uint Vs uint32


22-02-2010 11:14:46

There appears to be a bug in the wrapping process with ManualObject, and likely elsewhere. According to the manualObject.Triangle() and manualObject.Index() (and maybe some more) should take uint32 not unint numbers as parameters. Effectively this reduces the number of vertices you can add to a manual object to 65 thousand rather than 4 Million. The comments in the Mogre version also suggest that it should be uint32. I'm using Mogre 1.6.5.


22-02-2010 13:15:30

uint stand for System.UInt32 in csharp (it's an alias), it would be ushort otherwise.


22-02-2010 14:48:38

Doh! I meant ushort (which when I hover over, it tells me is a 16bit unsigned integer), not the desired 32bit unsigned integer.


22-02-2010 18:39:51

seem to be an issue with cpp2java, i will check why it map to an uint16 for an uint32 (so far, i have spotted it only on the manualobject class, but other class could be involved)