19-08-2010 22:51:25
Is there place where can upload patches (like I do with axiom, I upload them to sourceforge and borrillis check them time to time and accept them to core, if it is a bug).
But in that Mogre project (and including addon projects), I havent seen anything patch system. Maybe it's an idea that should be think about?
There are some ways to get patches into the core, let me describe how I would like to handle it.
- You can upload the patch somewhere and send me the link through PM, I will then download and review the patch before applying it to the core.
- This is the least appealing way for me, because it involves a lot of manual steps. If you can't upload your patch anywhere, just send me a PM and I will send you an email address for sending the patch to me directly.[/*:m]
- You can fork a branch on bitbucket and push your improvements into your cloned repository. Then send me a PM if you want me to pull, review and apply the patches.
- This is a better way, I tend to prefer it that way for non-maintainers to send us patches.[/*:m]
- You can apply for a maintainer position in the Mogre development team and get yourself write access to the official repository.
- This will require some active development first, I usually don't give write access to new people before I see some contributions first. Former contributors to Mogre (before I took this position) that maintained or created add-ons or the core will get write access instantly if they request it.[/*:m]
- Apply for a position as official maintainer of any of the unmaintained add-ons.
- I tend to give write access to people for the add-ons repository much sooner than to the core repository. After some time you can apply for write access to the core repository after we could get an impression of your work style.[/*:m][/list:u]
This might look like a restrictive way to handle write access to the repositories, but nobody will benefit from contributions that might break anything because the contributors don't have proven that they can work on it without causing too much trouble for everyone.
I still hope for many new people who want to contribute to the project and everybody can get access eventually, so start contributing now and you will get write access after some patches. Usually, one or two accepted patches can get you write access to the add-ons repository and five accepted contributions to the core should be enough to get write access there.
I also gave admin access to the repository to Beauty in case I'm too busy to handle requests for write access, but he's bound to the same criteria for adding contributors to the repositories.
If the community disagrees with the way I want to handle it, let me know and we can start a new thread to discuss alternative ways to handle this issue.
And let me know if you would like a contribution thread in the forums where people can attach patches to their posts to submit them for review. But please don't start your own threads with patches, I want to keep it organized in the forums.