I didn't see much people who tried it. There are still problems as I read. Most important problem is the transparency, because Mogre (also C++ Ogre ??) and WPF have no common access to the image buffer (or somehow similar). The result is an annoying flickr.
I was unaware of transparency problems and I thought I read everything. (Are you sure you aren't thinking WinForms? One of your links mentions someone switching from WinForms to WPF and it solved their transparency issue.) The only flicker problem I heard of was Mathieu Frenette of Simbioz who was trying to do something with multiple viewports at once I think ([Edit:]Here is his comment
Transparency for me seemed to work fine. I had a transparent Mogre scene sandwiched by transparent WPF controls. I had partially transparent buttons on top, a Mogre scene in the middle with a transparent background, and a WPF background. I didn't notice any obvious flickering. I had these screenshots in the benchmark thread in the ogre forum but it looks like they are broken now
WPF has the concept of D3DImage (a Microsoft-provided class) that lets you display a D3D texture as a first class WPF image. Therefore there is no airspace issue like there was in WinForms. (Flickering might happen if the Mogre rendering to texture happens in a separate thread than the WPF render, but WPF lets you inject into its render loop so I don't see why this might be a problem, and I plan to try multiple Ogre viewports and Mogre instances (via multiple D3DImages) soon.)
Use a screenshot of a WPF visual as a texture in Mogre
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/597 ... -in-M.aspx
This approach is new to me! I wonder how the practicality/performance of OgreInWpf compares to WpfInOgre.
Maybe with AXIOM is more friendly in cooperation with WPF? I don't know, but it would be nice when you report about your Ogre/Mogre/AXIOM to WPF integration after you have done some research and tests.
I see no reason why AXIOM would work better than Mogre. Raygun's OgreInWpf already bridges to Mogre. Basically, if you can get something into a D3D texture, WPF can draw it.
(Not to say Axiom may not have it's advantages. If something blows up in Ogre on the C++, it's hard to debug, in Visual C# Express at least. Thank goodness for log files.)
[Edit: Mathieu Frenette told me AXIOM was more stable for him. I would like to figure out why this is.]
I recompiled for 1.6.4
It would be nice when you publish your updated source code.
Maybe you write an message to the owner of the code project article to offer the download on this "official" place. I suppose this is a starting point for many people and it's good do have updated versions on the main publishing place. Otherwise the people doesn't know that it exists (usless they find it somewhere else by random).
Meharin, in your signature you write you use WPF.
It would be nice if you write some experiences about your WPF+D3DImage to Mogre integration.
I have already shared all my experiences in the forum links you mention. (My nick in the Ogre forum is Mawen.)
I don't recall making any code changes to get OgreInWpf working for 1.6.4 or 1.7.1.
Since multiple people seem to be interested in this, perhaps I will try to package what I have and put it on a repository somewhere.
Idealistic todo list:
- Put a modified version of Raygun's OgreInWpf up as an open source project (I'm thinking MIT license)
- Revamp it a little bit to allow for multiple D3DImage instances using a single Root (I did this, as did the person above I mentioned who was trying multiple views and getting flickering -- me, I get a few successful frames then black screen of death, have to figure out what's going on.)
- Performance demos and tests to determine overall feasibility.
- Input support: MOIS? Picking?
It looks like multiple people are still interested in this, so maybe it's worth it for me pursuing this to get more eyes on it.