Question about node.Orientation.Yaw.ValueDegree return value


02-08-2011 23:44:24

Hello to all!

I wanted to ask is there a way to retrieve an angle information from the usual [0- 360] system?

While trying to implement some basic one axis rotations, I got confused about it working strangely. After some testing, I found out that my return values are given according to the attached picture (rotation is done around the axis perpendicular to the screen).


06-08-2011 12:51:40

Hi eddy,
I know this problem very well, because I got confused, too.

The problem are the returned co-domains:
getYaw -90 .. 90
getPitch -180 .. 180
getRoll -180 .. 180

Also there is a lack of documentation.
A half year ago I suggested to add a description to the Ogre Class Documentation.
Unfortunately the documentation was not improved at this points.

One reason is, that an other user told, the co-domain would be -180 to 180.
I never got such results. Now I started a new discussion in the Ogre main forum.
Be welcome to post there, too. This will affirm the interest of an improved documentation.

To get the wanted values of Yaw, you also need to check the values of Pitch and Roll.
For my own application I wrote a method to get the wanted Yaw value. I will post it later.

User Kojack posted a class for Euler Angles calculations.
I didn't check it, but maybe it solves you problem, too.


06-08-2011 13:06:21

Thanks for your reply. I came to think this is some arcus trigonometry issue. I will check the links you posted, and I am very interested in seeing your solution.

For now I am countering this by checking the signs of the axis orientation vectors to determine in which quadrant is my object of interest pointing.

EDIT: I will check roll and pitch values and report them here.But probably not before the day after tomorrow. Now I have to finish some other coding stuff.

EDIT2.5:^scratch that. I tested ROLL (and pitch), and came to the same conclusion as beauty:


06-08-2011 14:54:49

Here is my code.
This are 3 methods, which are used for different aims.
Also you can apply some settings by parameters.
By this it should be more flexible. Just use the parts, which you need.
Some descriptions I added. I hope you understand what I mean.
If you have problems, just tell me.

Note: The differentiation by the type "YawConvention" you can remove. I use it for my application, but it's not needed for common Mogre users.

/// <summary>
/// Calculate the Yaw angle from a given orientation (quaternion)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The reference to SceneVariables is used better performance.
/// It prevents the re-creation of temporary variables for each call.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="var">Reference to mScene.var, which contains helper variables</param>
/// <param name="orientation">Quaternion (contains the direction description)</param>
/// <param name="angleUnit">Define if the returned value is in Degree or Radian</param>
/// <param name="yawBasis">Define which axis is used to describe the rotation divergence</param>
/// <returns>Calculated angle in the co-domain of 0 to 360 degrees</returns>
public static Single GetYawAngle(ref PublicSceneVariables var, ref Quaternion orientation, Mogre.Math.AngleUnit angleUnit, YawConvention yawBasis)
var.gy_yawDirection = orientation.XAxis; // get direction vector
return GetYawAngle(ref var, ref var.gy_yawDirection, angleUnit, yawBasis);

/// <summary>
/// Calculate the Yaw angle of a given SceneNode
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The reference to SceneVariables is used better performance.
/// It prevents the re-creation of temporary variables for each call.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="var">Reference to mScene.var, which contains helper variables</param>
/// <param name="sceneNode">SceneNode, which yaw value should be returned</param>
/// <param name="angleUnit">Define if the returned value is in Degree or Radian</param>
/// <param name="localOrWorld">Define if yaw value of local space or global space is needed</param>
/// <param name="yawBasis">Define which axis is used to describe the rotation divergence</param>
/// <returns>Calculated angle in the co-domain of 0 to 360 degrees</returns>
public static Single GetYawAngle(ref PublicSceneVariables var, ref SceneNode sceneNode, Mogre.Math.AngleUnit angleUnit, SceneNode.TransformSpace localOrWorld, YawConvention yawBasis)
if (sceneNode == null)
return 0;

switch (localOrWorld)
case Node.TransformSpace.TS_LOCAL:
var.gy_yawDirection = sceneNode.Orientation.XAxis;

case Node.TransformSpace.TS_WORLD:
var.gy_yawDirection = sceneNode._getDerivedOrientation().XAxis;

throw new NotSupportedException();
return GetYawAngle(ref var, ref var.gy_yawDirection, angleUnit, yawBasis);

/// <summary>
/// Calculate the Yaw angle from a given direction vector
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The reference to SceneVariables is used better performance.
/// It prevents the re-creation of temporary variables for each call.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="var">Reference to mScene.var, which contains helper variables</param>
/// <param name="direction">Direction vector from which the Yaw angle should be extracted</param>
/// <param name="angleUnit">Define if the returned value is in Degree or Radian</param>
/// <param name="yawBasis">Define which axis is used to describe the rotation divergence</param>
/// <returns>Calculated angle in the co-domain of 0 to 360 degrees</returns>
public static Single GetYawAngle(ref PublicSceneVariables var, ref Vector3 direction, Mogre.Math.AngleUnit angleUnit, YawConvention yawBasis)
var.gy_yawDirection = direction;
var.gy_yawDirection.y = 0;

if (yawBasis == YawConvention.NED)
var.gy_yawAngle = Mogre.Math.ACos(var.gy_yawDirection.DotProduct(Vector3.UNIT_X));
var.gy_overrunCheckAngle = Mogre.Math.ACos(var.gy_yawDirection.DotProduct(Vector3.UNIT_Z));
else // YawConvention.Ogre
var.gy_yawAngle = Mogre.Math.ACos(var.gy_yawDirection.DotProduct(Vector3.UNIT_Z));
var.gy_overrunCheckAngle = Mogre.Math.ACos(var.gy_yawDirection.DotProduct(Vector3.UNIT_X));

// adaption if more than 180 degree (because Ogre returns only a co-domain of -90..90 degrees)
if (var.gy_overrunCheckAngle.ValueRadians > var.gy_HalfPiInRad)
var.gy_yawAngle = var.gy_TwoPiInRad - var.gy_yawAngle;

if (angleUnit == Mogre.Math.AngleUnit.AU_DEGREE)
return var.gy_yawAngle.ValueDegrees;
return var.gy_yawAngle.ValueRadians;
} // GetYawAngle()

/// <summary>
/// Define used Yaw convention. Differences are the comparison axis for divergence calculation and the rotation direction.
/// </summary>
public enum YawConvention
/// <summary>Convention of NED coordinate system:
/// Rotation divergence to the X-axis; NEGATIVE rotation around the Ogre Y-axis
/// (Comply to the positive rotation around the NED Z-axis)</summary>

/// <summary>Convention of Ogre coordinate system:
/// Rotation divergence to the Z-axis; Positive rotation around the Ogre Y-axis</summary>


public class SceneVariables
// temp helper variables for Yaw calculations
public Vector3 gy_yawDirection;
public Radian gy_yawAngle;
public Radian gy_overrunCheckAngle;
public Radian gy_TwoPiInRad = new Radian(Mogre.Math.TWO_PI);
public Radian gy_HalfPiInRad = new Radian(Mogre.Math.HALF_PI);

SceneVariables var = new SceneVariables();

update: added souce code from next post

I don't know if it works for all cases.
Perhaps there are problems when Pitch and/or Roll is greater than +/-90 degree. (I didn't check it.) Such cases I don't have in my application.

You can check several cases by a simple test method.
Adapt this method and compare input/output values.
Then you know. :wink:

Single yaw = 0;
Single pitch = 0;
Single roll = 0;

Single ymin = 0;
Single ymax = 0;
Single pmin = 0;
Single pmax = 0;
Single rmin = 0;
Single rmax = 0;

Single y, p, r;

Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(new Degree(yaw), Vector3.UNIT_Y);
SceneNode node = new SceneNode(Smgr);
Console.WriteLine("Start calculation ...\n");
Console.Write("Intermediate steps: ");

for (yaw = -200; yaw <= 400; yaw++)
for (pitch = -200; pitch <= 200; pitch++)
for (roll = -200; roll <= 200; roll++)
node.Orientation = new Quaternion(new Degree(yaw), Vector3.UNIT_Y);
node.Pitch(new Degree(pitch), Node.TransformSpace.TS_LOCAL);
node.Roll(new Degree(roll), Node.TransformSpace.TS_LOCAL);
quat = node.Orientation;

y = quat.Yaw.ValueDegrees;
p = quat.Pitch.ValueDegrees;
r = quat.Roll.ValueDegrees;

if (y < ymin)
ymin = y;
if (y > ymax)
ymax = y;
if (p < pmin)
pmin = p;
if (p > pmax)
pmax = p;
if (r < rmin)
rmin = r;
if (r > rmax)
rmax = r;


if ((yaw % 10) == 0)
Console.Write(yaw); // show current state of calculation

Console.WriteLine("\n\nCalculation ready.\n");

Console.Write(String.Format("Yaw {0} .. {1} \n", ymin, ymax));
Console.Write(String.Format("Pitch {0} .. {1} \n", pmin, pmax));
Console.Write(String.Format("Roll {0} .. {1} \n", rmin, rmax));


07-08-2011 09:55:39


My methods contains the parameter "ref PublicSceneVariables var".
The reason: For performance reasons I don't want to re-create temporary variables for each call. So I keep them in the class "PublicSceneVariables".
If you like, you can make them local or become a field of the same class. So there would not be a need to have an extra reference.

Here is the definition of my temporary variables:
public class SceneVariables
// temp helper variables for Yaw calculations
public Vector3 gy_yawDirection;
public Radian gy_yawAngle;
public Radian gy_overrunCheckAngle;
public Radian gy_TwoPiInRad = new Radian(Mogre.Math.TWO_PI);
public Radian gy_HalfPiInRad = new Radian(Mogre.Math.HALF_PI);

SceneVariables var = new SceneVariables();


08-08-2011 09:10:04

By help of user Kojack we found out that Mogre causes problems with getYaw.

I suppose for performance reasons Mogre doesn't use a wrapped Ogre method.
Instead it uses a common equation. It's mathematical correct, but bad for usage with Ogre/Mogre.

Details are here: ... 56#p435756 (bad co-domain) ... 95#p426695 (NaN problem)

So we have 2 options for updating the Mogre wrapper:

Just wrap the Ogre function of getYaw.

Update the Mogre Yaw property and mathematical functions and use a port of the related Ogre source code.

In general we should compare all mathematical functions of Mogre.
If they are not wrapped (for performance reasons) we should use a port of the Ogre source code.

I prefer option 2, because of performance reasons. (getYaw is a method which could be called very often)
Which options are prefered by the other Mogre users?