27-12-2011 13:56:47
I want to share my (from c++ to net) converted version of this dof implemention.
Note: I only converted this code. I used a modified version by polygon9
There is now a wiki page: http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Dof+shader+in+Mogre
How to use it:
There are three classes:
DepthOfField - This is the class which controls the dof shader and the underlying compositor script.
Lens - This is a class which makes it easier to control the DeathOfField class (makes it more natural)
dofmanager - This class combines both other classes to an automatic dof shader: create a new instance and set mode=automatic and everything runs out of the box
1. Copy the folder "dof" and its files (in dof.zip) to your media folder
2. Add a reference of the folder "dof" either in code or in the resource file
3. create a dofmanager instance (and set the values you need) or do it by hand with DeathOfField [and Lens]
These are some pictures from the original thread.
The original source is here.
Thanks to:
I want to share my (from c++ to net) converted version of this dof implemention.
Note: I only converted this code. I used a modified version by polygon9
There is now a wiki page: http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Dof+shader+in+Mogre
How to use it:
There are three classes:
DepthOfField - This is the class which controls the dof shader and the underlying compositor script.
Lens - This is a class which makes it easier to control the DeathOfField class (makes it more natural)
dofmanager - This class combines both other classes to an automatic dof shader: create a new instance and set mode=automatic and everything runs out of the box
1. Copy the folder "dof" and its files (in dof.zip) to your media folder
2. Add a reference of the folder "dof" either in code or in the resource file
3. create a dofmanager instance (and set the values you need) or do it by hand with DeathOfField [and Lens]
These are some pictures from the original thread.
The original source is here.
Thanks to: