MOGRE vs OgreDotNet


02-11-2006 20:34:45

Question on MOGRE vs OgreDotNet.
How many people are on the MOGRE project (developers)
What percent complete are you?

Can you explain the differences in more detail?

MOGRE vs OgreDotNet
MOGRE vs Ogre

Thank you in advance (I appreciate your time)



02-11-2006 22:40:54

How many people are on the MOGRE project (developers)
1 maintainer, and a few contributors.

What percent complete are you?
If you're talking about wrapped classes/methods, for applications that use and not extend Ogre's features I consider the wrapping complete. The project as a whole is far from complete though (roadmap).

Can you explain the differences in more detail?

MOGRE vs OgreDotNet
MOGRE vs Ogre

Some information scattered around:

The important thing is:
If you want your app to run with linux, stick with OgreDotNet.
For windows-only apps, Mogre is a better choice.


03-11-2006 14:49:34

Thats just what I was hoping for!
I appreciate your quick response too.

Some of us where I work are starting a side game
company. Most of us have been programers for 10+
years. Tired of writting the same old business app. LOL.
Any we liked OGRE but none of us are C++ gurus and
we use dot net everyday and wanted to go in that direction.

MOGRE looks like what we were looking for. :)
