Dynamic resource script parsing


25-03-2013 18:44:23

Hi Everyone!

I was reading much about dynamic resource handling in Ogre but I haven't seen a corresponding post.
I'm developing an editor application, which needs resource scripts (such as .material files) loaded at runtime.
I figured out that in Ogre there is a class called ScriptCompiler. Unfortunately I cannot find it in Mogre.

Is there another solution or a good workaround?

Thanks in advance.


15-04-2013 20:17:37

Hi, maybe my advice won't be very useful. I don't know how ScriptCompiler works, but if you just want to compile some scripts in runtime you can use Roslyn. Now I am working on my bachelor thesis and I using Mogre with Roslyn. You can compile c# scripts in run-time. If it is what you want see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/roslyn.aspx