Question: does Mogre support animation?


15-12-2006 03:37:42

Sorry, for the ignorance of the question. I am really wanting to use Mogre, but I did not see any tutorials for animation, so I was worried perhaps support for animation was not in place.

I did look at the "roadmap" for Mogre, but I did not see anything specific about what was "useable" and what was not...

I have been looking for something like Mogre for a very long time, so I am very eager to see an animation tutorial. But, if I know that it can handle it, I will try to work thru translating the Ogre tutorial for animation to Mogre -- out of sheer desperation!




15-12-2006 04:30:12

I think, you can use converted tutorial from C++ Ogre, because MOgre is not nother engine :-)

Please try, and say us, if you have problems :-)


15-12-2006 05:06:35

And you can see animation in Demo.Fresnel :roll:


15-12-2006 10:54:55

I did look at the "roadmap" for Mogre, but I did not see anything specific about what was "useable" and what was not...
All Ogre features are usable, hence I don't mention anything specific :wink:


15-12-2006 14:40:48

allright Bekas, wheres this one : ... Timer.html ? :)


15-12-2006 14:51:45

I didn't wrap anything from the PlatformManager, the .NET API is more than adequate :wink:


16-12-2006 03:45:47

That is really great news! Thanks guys!



20-12-2006 10:21:19

I didn't wrap anything from the PlatformManager, the .NET API is more than adequate :wink:
nah its not really, standard dotnet timer functions are nowhere near accurate.

If you want to use high performance timing in C# i guess its best to use this:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;

namespace Win32
internal class HiPerfTimer
private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(
out long lpPerformanceCount);

private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(
out long lpFrequency);

private long startTime, stopTime;
private long freq;

private bool started;

// Constructor
public HiPerfTimer()
startTime = 0;
stopTime = 0;

if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(out freq) == false)
// high-performance counter not supported
throw new Win32Exception();

// Start the timer
public void Start()
// lets do the waiting threads there work
started = true;
QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime);

// Stop the timer
public void Stop()
started = false;
QueryPerformanceCounter(out stopTime);

// Returns the duration of the timer (in seconds)
public double Duration
return (double)(stopTime - startTime) / (double) freq;

public bool isStarted()
return started;

Hope its usefull ;)


20-12-2006 10:32:15

You can do the same with System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.