.net going open source, and cross platform


12-11-2014 22:49:11

http://www.wired.com/2014/11/microsoft- ... -linux-mac

Will this make mogre cross platform? or will it still hit the walls that we currently have with mono?
Will we be lucky and it'll 'just work'? or will there be a ton of stuff needed doing to get it there?

am I allowed to get my hopes up?


21-11-2014 20:47:30

Interesting note!!

The current problem with Mogre on Linux is because:
* Mono doesn't support the wrapper technique C++/CLI (because the developers don't want to support it).
* .NET isn't available on Linux.

In the case that the .NET framework will be ported to Linux, we should have a good chance to run Mogre there, too.


03-12-2014 18:56:23

Sounds hopefull then.


08-12-2014 08:36:39

Interesting note!!

The current problem with Mogre on Linux is because:
* Mono doesn't support the wrapper technique C++/CLI (because the developers don't want to support it).
* .NET isn't available on Linux.

In the case that the .NET framework will be ported to Linux, we should have a good chance to run Mogre there, too.

The same problem will exist Microsoft will need to support C++/CLI cross platform and this isn't part of the .NET framework.