RaySceneQueryResultEntry C# naming Convention


31-12-2006 19:27:10

Hi Bekas.

I am starting with Mogre, I think i will be use Mogre in my degree project for my University.

I was playing with RaySceneQueryResultEntry and saw that movable, worldFragment and distance properties are in lower case in the first letter. I know that you use the naming conventions because the others classes are fine.

Thanks and sorry for my english sometimes I canĀ“t write that I think in english hehe.



05-01-2007 13:04:34

I am starting with Mogre, I think i will be use Mogre in my degree project for my University.
That's great, can you share a few details about your project?

I was playing with RaySceneQueryResultEntry and saw that movable, worldFragment and distance properties are in lower case in the first letter.
In this wiki page, I wrote
Note: If you see a property that starts with a lower case letter, it means that the property is not a conversion of get/set methods but a direct wrapper of a class field variable (i.e Mesh.sharedVertexData)

Field variables with upper case letter may clash with a property wrapping a get method, or they may look ugly (ie, protected variables with 'm' prefix like mPosition would turn to MPosition).