MogreNewt problem


31-03-2007 11:55:24

I have a big problem with MogreNewt, check this thread:

If I comment out everything belonging to MogreNewt from that class, it works. Even if I uncomment only the World reference, the class stops working.


31-03-2007 18:43:16

Just a shot in the blue:

Have you copied Newton.dll in your (i think) release/debug folder?
And cant see "using MogreNewt;" somewhere?


01-04-2007 02:04:02

I don't have the Newton.dll, but I do have MogreNewt.dll.

I have not defined "using MogreNewt" because I thought that was the problem first, but that is not really needed since I can just type MogreNewt.<whatever> to access objects from MogreNewt.


01-04-2007 04:04:56

You mentioned that any class with MogreNewt involved crashes?
If i dont use MogreNewt.dll with Newton.dll, my app. crashes.
Made me think MogreNewt.dll depends on Newton.dll in any form.

It compiles fine if i put out the lines i dont have the code for (i.e GWF.Script?).
Me too is interested to hear what was wrong :wink:


01-04-2007 08:20:53

I'm pretty sure you need Newton.dll too.


01-04-2007 09:41:17

Read this:


01-04-2007 10:43:59

That worked! Thanks a lot Bekas. Weird error though.. usually you get an exception when you're missing a DLL, not a corrupt class :)

Now for my next question.. sorry for all those.. is it possible to set the gravity constant?


01-04-2007 11:16:54

is it possible to set the gravity constant?
Nope, you should add your custom force like this:
body.IsGravityEnabled = false;
body.ForceCallback += new ForceCallbackHandler(body_ForceCallback);

void body_ForceCallback(Body body)
float mass;
Vector3 inertia;
body.getMassMatrix(out mass, out inertia);

Vector3 force = new Vector3(0, -9.8f, 0); // standard gravity
force *= mass;


This custom force should be added manually to all newton bodies.


01-04-2007 11:19:33

Okey, great! Might never know if non-Earth gravity will be needed ;)

One last thing.. what is a good to calculate the size of a collision body? The following lines:

Collision col = new MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.Ellipsoid

Collision col = new MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.Box
new Vector3(refEntity.BoundingRadius, refEntity.BoundingRadius, refEntity.BoundingRadius)

I use the maximum extents of the bounding box and the bounding radius, just to test.. but I feel I need a good way to calculate this. Any ideas?


01-04-2007 14:41:34

Nevermind me saying that the previous question was the last.. not entirely grasping how all this works.. physics was never my strong subject.

I am trying to move my entity. It's a robot. If I use setForce(), it does not move an inch, but if I use setVelocity() it moves, but topples over quite a lot.. how can I prevent that and keep it upright all the time?

The only stuff I really need this for is collision. I don't really need any rigid body dynamics or anything.


01-04-2007 17:06:19

Check out this post

The 3rd step in the post might help you out.


01-04-2007 18:28:22

Thanks for showing me that thread!! Gave me quite useful information that I had missed out on in the SDK samples.

Now all I need is collision between several entities. I have a box and a robot. Both collide well with the geometry, but they do not collide with each other. What can be wrong there?


03-04-2007 06:51:33


// Creating World.
public void SetupPhysWorld()
m_refPhysWorld = new MogreNewt.World();
MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.TreeCollisionSceneParser parser = new MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.TreeCollisionSceneParser(m_refPhysWorld);
parser.parseScene(CObjectLibrary_s.Instance.GetWorldNode(), true);
MogreNewt.Body body = new MogreNewt.Body(m_refPhysWorld, parser);


// Updating. Constant value for now.
public void Update()
if (m_refPhysWorld != null)

// Setting up physics for a character.
public void SetupPhysBodyEllipsoid(CCharacter refCharacter)
Entity refEntity = refCharacter.GetEntity();
SceneNode refNode = refCharacter.GetSceneNode();

float mass = refEntity.BoundingBox.Volume * 2.5f;
Vector3 inert = MomentOfInertia.CalcEllipsoidSolid(mass, refEntity.BoundingBox.Maximum);

Collision col = new MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.Ellipsoid
new Vector3(1, 1, 1)

m_refPhysBody = new Body(CPhysicsServer_s.Instance.GetPhysWorld(), col);
m_refPhysBody.setMassMatrix(mass, inert);
m_refPhysBody.IsGravityEnabled = true;
m_refPhysBody.setPositionOrientation(refNode.Position, refNode.Orientation);
m_refPhysBody.ForceCallback += new ForceCallbackHandler(Character_ForceCallback);

// Restrict rotation to X and Z axes only.
MogreNewt.BasicJoints.UpVector uv = new MogreNewt.BasicJoints.UpVector

m_refParentCharacter = refCharacter;

// Setting up physics for a prop.
public void SetupPhysBodyBox(CProp refProp)
Entity refEntity = refProp.GetEntity();
SceneNode refNode = refProp.GetSceneNode();

float mass = refEntity.BoundingBox.Volume * 2.5f;
Vector3 inert = MomentOfInertia.CalcBoxSolid(mass, refEntity.BoundingBox.Maximum);

Collision col = new MogreNewt.CollisionPrimitives.Box
new Vector3(1, 1, 1)

m_refPhysBody = new Body(CPhysicsServer_s.Instance.GetPhysWorld(), col);
m_refPhysBody.setMassMatrix(mass, inert);
m_refPhysBody.IsGravityEnabled = true;
m_refPhysBody.setPositionOrientation(refNode.Position, refNode.Orientation);
m_refPhysBody.ForceCallback += new ForceCallbackHandler(Prop_ForceCallback);
m_refParentProp = refProp;

I have no idea what can be missing to allow character-character and character-prop collisions...


04-04-2007 13:15:11

Seems like I defined a too small collision ellipsoid and box for the objects. However, increasing their size causes a lot of strange errors. My robot is effectively hovering now.. and starts to rise up from the ground when I boot the app... it's really weird.

Is there any way to display the collision primitives set on entities??? I need to see how large my ellipsoid really is.


05-04-2007 11:09:41

You can display the newton debug lines. Check the MogreNewt samples to see how it's done (you press 'F3' at these samples for the debug lines to show up).


05-04-2007 12:50:21

I only get lines on the geometry.. not on anything else..