Distributing Ogre apps


02-04-2007 07:54:29

I'm rather new and I having problems distributing a mogre program I made.
When the program is run on other machines it crashes with a generic error and no Ogre.log file is created.
Here's the error I get on the second machine (which doesn't have MogreSDK installed ) when I try to debug the program in VS.

System.IO.FileLoadException was unhandled
Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Mogre, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1)

The demo I'm trying to distribute is this:


The program doesn't use any art except what's in the default Media folder.
Here's is the list of files I'm distributing, am I missing something?

Sorry if I should post this in the Ogre main forums. I think I've included all the ogre files I need and was wandering is it has to do with the net implementation of Ogre (i.e. maybe I'm missing some NET files in my distribution)


02-04-2007 08:03:28

Im on work right now, and i cant test, but ill try it as soon as i get home. One of the problems could be that the user doesnt have the proper .NET package isntalled, but that's just a guess.


02-04-2007 08:19:05

Im on work right now, and i cant test, but ill try it as soon as i get home. One of the problems could be that the user doesnt have the proper .NET package isntalled, but that's just a guess.

I have NetFramework 2.0 on my second machine. Is there anything else needed?


02-04-2007 09:29:49

OgrePlatform.dll is missing.

Do you use CEGUI or MogreNewt?


02-04-2007 10:31:08

Read this


02-04-2007 11:40:21

OgrePlatform.dll is missing.

Do you use CEGUI or MogreNewt?


Read this

SP1 VS 2005 redist got it working on my second computer. I hopes it works for my friend when he gets back online.

I have a question though, isn't Mogre a C# wrapper? Why do I need the SP1 VS C++ 2005 redist to run a C# program?

Actually it makes sense since it still uses the native Ogre DLLs


02-04-2007 11:55:14

Funny thing is.. I've never installed the redist on my second computer, and still my app runs fine.. the only DLL you did not have that I do is OgrePlatform.dll. Quite weird I'd say :)


02-04-2007 12:15:04

Funny thing is.. I've never installed the redist on my second computer, and still my app runs fine.. the only DLL you did not have that I do is OgrePlatform.dll. Quite weird I'd say :)

Are you saying you've run my demo on your comp and you didn't need the VS resdist? If yes that's because you prob have the SP1 installed for VS already. Try to running my or your Ogre builds on other computers see what results you get.


02-04-2007 12:19:19

No, I dont have any redist or even visual studio on that computer, that is the weird thing.


02-04-2007 12:41:59

More information can be found in this post: http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=210171


02-04-2007 12:48:07

I waisted half of my day trying to figure out what's wrong. You should have this posted at the top of the wiki.


24-04-2007 12:11:04

Yeah i've wasted a lot of time going around in circles with this problem too, this should be made very clear for people using C#VB.Net!!