18-04-2007 06:23:59
Hey Everyone,
I have just started with MOGRE, I was pleasently surpised to find Ogre had a .NET wrapper, dont know why but I believed this was not the case.
Now to the point, I am using...
MS VC# 2005 Express Edition with SP1 (not full, the 22mb job).
I dont know if this is relevant, but I have the MS DirectX SDK installed, and I am running on Windows XP Pro with SP2 and .NET Framework 2.0.
I installed MOGRE as follows...
1. Downloaded the MOGRE precompiled SDK from the link in the wiki.
2. Installed MOGRE to its default path of C:\OgreSDK
3. Downloaded MOGRE Sample framework, unrared and copied the debug version to OgreSDK\Bin\debug, and the same for the release version.
4. I have never fiddled with global paths before, so this could be the problem, this is exactly what I added to the end of the "Path" system variable...
5. Started a new project in VS using the "Windows Application" template and deleted the automatically generated form.
6. Added references to the Mogre.dll and MogreFramework.dll located in the OgreSDK\Bin\release directory, as per the instructions on the wiki.
7. Added a post build event command line as follows..
copy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\OgreSdk\bin\$(ConfigurationName)"
8. Set the working directory of my project to "OgreSDK\Bin\Release", I have changed this to debug instead of release and it has not effected the problem.
9. Copied the *.cfg files from OgreSDK\Bin\Release to MyApp\Bin\Debug and MyApp\Bin\Release. Edited the "resources.cfg" file so that it looks exactly as follows...
9. Added the appropriate using clauses and code to create and "start" an OgreWindow, as follows..
If I run the application in debug mode through the IDE I get the following error, which I assume is because I screwed up on some paths somewhere...
The above error is displayed immediatly after build, but before anything visual is displayed.
If I copy the executable into the Release folder in the OgreSDK\Bin directory, and then execute it I get the following error...
The above error is displayed after the build, and after an initial loading screen is displayed. The error occurs during load, as I am new to MOGRE I dont quiet know if I am using the correct terminology, but this error occurs at a very different place compared to the first error I pasted.
I am very excited to start learning how to use MOGRE, after spending many hours using MDX in a 2.5D capacity I would love to dive right in. I apologize in advance if I have "flooded" this post with irrelevant content, but at this stage I honestly have no idea what information I should provide. If I have left out anything, please let me know and I will reply ASAP.
Kind Regards
I forgot to add, I have read (At least I think I have) all other threads that are related to installation and initial setup of MOGRE, and attempted all of the solutions and guides that were suggested. The suggestions did fix numerous problems, but no suggestions that I have found have solved this problem.
I also forgot to add that if I copy the project executable into the debug directory and execute it, it crashes. It doesn't provide me with an ogre exception, its a C# exception. This only happens if I run the application without the IDE in debug mode, if I compile it and execute it through the IDE in debug mode the second error that I pasted is the problem!
I have just started with MOGRE, I was pleasently surpised to find Ogre had a .NET wrapper, dont know why but I believed this was not the case.
Now to the point, I am using...
MS VC# 2005 Express Edition with SP1 (not full, the 22mb job).
I dont know if this is relevant, but I have the MS DirectX SDK installed, and I am running on Windows XP Pro with SP2 and .NET Framework 2.0.
I installed MOGRE as follows...
1. Downloaded the MOGRE precompiled SDK from the link in the wiki.
2. Installed MOGRE to its default path of C:\OgreSDK
3. Downloaded MOGRE Sample framework, unrared and copied the debug version to OgreSDK\Bin\debug, and the same for the release version.
4. I have never fiddled with global paths before, so this could be the problem, this is exactly what I added to the end of the "Path" system variable...
5. Started a new project in VS using the "Windows Application" template and deleted the automatically generated form.
6. Added references to the Mogre.dll and MogreFramework.dll located in the OgreSDK\Bin\release directory, as per the instructions on the wiki.
7. Added a post build event command line as follows..
copy "$(TargetPath)" "C:\OgreSdk\bin\$(ConfigurationName)"
8. Set the working directory of my project to "OgreSDK\Bin\Release", I have changed this to debug instead of release and it has not effected the problem.
9. Copied the *.cfg files from OgreSDK\Bin\Release to MyApp\Bin\Debug and MyApp\Bin\Release. Edited the "resources.cfg" file so that it looks exactly as follows...
# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path
# This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework
# Resource locations to be added to the default path
9. Added the appropriate using clauses and code to create and "start" an OgreWindow, as follows..
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mogre;
using MogreFramework;
namespace WindowsApplication1
static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
OgreWindow win = new OgreWindow();
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException)
if (OgreException.IsThrown)
"An Ogre exception has occurred!");
If I run the application in debug mode through the IDE I get the following error, which I assume is because I screwed up on some paths somewhere...
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d. System Error: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
in DynLib::load at ..\src\OgreDynLib.cpp (line 80)
The above error is displayed immediatly after build, but before anything visual is displayed.
If I copy the executable into the Release folder in the OgreSDK\Bin directory, and then execute it I get the following error...
OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): Cannot find an archive factory to deal with archive of type in ArchiveManager::load at ..\src\OgreArchiveManager.cpp (line 66)
The above error is displayed after the build, and after an initial loading screen is displayed. The error occurs during load, as I am new to MOGRE I dont quiet know if I am using the correct terminology, but this error occurs at a very different place compared to the first error I pasted.
I am very excited to start learning how to use MOGRE, after spending many hours using MDX in a 2.5D capacity I would love to dive right in. I apologize in advance if I have "flooded" this post with irrelevant content, but at this stage I honestly have no idea what information I should provide. If I have left out anything, please let me know and I will reply ASAP.
Kind Regards
I forgot to add, I have read (At least I think I have) all other threads that are related to installation and initial setup of MOGRE, and attempted all of the solutions and guides that were suggested. The suggestions did fix numerous problems, but no suggestions that I have found have solved this problem.
I also forgot to add that if I copy the project executable into the debug directory and execute it, it crashes. It doesn't provide me with an ogre exception, its a C# exception. This only happens if I run the application without the IDE in debug mode, if I compile it and execute it through the IDE in debug mode the second error that I pasted is the problem!