There is a port of OgreOpcode


10-07-2007 05:25:21


Anyone has a port of Ogreopcode or anyone can give me some tips for use it in Mogre? Maybe compile with C++/CLI and use in Mogre?




10-07-2007 19:21:27

Why not simply use MogreNewt. it is already ported and stuff and im pretty sure it does what you want to do. Opcode is old-school stuff (not updated since 2003).

I can guide you through MogreNewt if you need help.



11-07-2007 07:25:11


Maybe I will try newton, but later when I need it in my project. I am looking for options for accurate ray casting and basic collision detection, no more.

I am creating a software like the very old MS 3D movie maker or the a little more recent Kahootz.

Thanks, when I start using those libraries I will ask for your help :D



11-07-2007 17:22:26

All right!

But newton can be used simply to ray and stuff, you dont necessarily have to create a real-time rigid-body simulator! It is already ported to Mogre, it is frequently updated, it can create its collisions structures directly from Ogre meshes, entities, nodes, terrains, etc...

You will only have to write about 15 lines of code to have it working to do basic ray casting.



11-07-2007 19:49:23

What about the RAM memory?

I don´t want much memory consumed.

Do you know how much memory it uses?




11-07-2007 20:21:16

I dont know.

What i DO know is that the "collision tree" used by Newton can be optimized. It means that if you create a collision primitive from one of your mesh or entity, it will remove all coplanar triangles and replace them with bigger triangles which is really neat. Fo example, i you have a terrain, in large, planar areas, most triangles will be removed. You can see it on this picture. The mountains in the background have a lot of collision triangles while the large foreground area contains only a few large triangles.

All in all. I dont see how Newton would be significantly more memory consuming that say, OpCode or Gimpact.



11-07-2007 20:37:33

What do you use to generate terrains?


12-07-2007 00:08:03

This particular screenshot uses PLSM2 to manage the terrain. But to "generate" it, i have simply manually drawn a heightmap by hand and blurred-it to get smooth mountains.
