Whats your opinion?


13-11-2007 10:39:09

Thanks for the answer.
But i continue lost. How are your opinion about this?
Well i have to build an application that can take some data about positions of people (bots) and show the person in the 3d world.
There are some things that i dont know about ogre 3d. Is it a interactive engine, i want to say, if i can interactive with the mouse on the virtual world or similar actions.


13-11-2007 10:41:28

The question is, Is Ogre a good virtual engine for build this aplication?


14-11-2007 00:24:03

The question is, Is Ogre a good virtual engine for build this aplication?

The short answer is yes, you can do anything you want, but from your questions i assume you are searching for some kind of "Game Maker", in such case probably OGRE/Mogre is not for you.

OGRE/Mogre is good for the professional programer, someone who was some experience with programming In C++/C# an graphics, it is not a "point and click" alternative.