New MOgre Maintainer? New Release?


28-12-2007 20:03:18

First of all, let me say that I am happy to see new versions being made available. However, I have noted a couple discrepancies that make me a bit cautious.

On the wiki, there is news of a new release, but it is being hosted off of a project other than mogre's.

Is it that there is a new maintainer (Marioko) and we just haven't yet updated everything?

Are any code changes updated to source control, or is this a "branch"?

Can we get an authority to verify that these new releases are "official"? If they aren't "official", what steps are needed to make them official?



28-12-2007 20:59:29

The official SVN repository is currently update with last version, updated by me. The SDK Lite Unofficial (but 100% funtional) version made by me, is hosted in other project because i upload it before GermanDZ (MOGRE admin) give me privilegies in MOGRE Official Sf.NET.

Last Source version: ... runk/Mogre

Current MOGRE maintainers: ... _id=174997

And yes, new maintainer and new release. Next SDK release will be uploaded in MOGRE Official project.

About the wiki, i dont have account in to edit text. Its mean that MOGRE wiki is outdate.

Sorry my english :D


28-12-2007 21:01:26


i put those links on the mogre wiki which is the updated version marioko did..currently its not a complete release because the media and samples are missing.

the fact about those links not being on sourceforge was because marioko didnt had access to the mogre page but i think he does now and he is actually an "official" mogre maintainer

mogre has never been "official", it has always been community made so you will never see an " official" mogre release...

this release is mogre updated to run with ogre eihort 1.4.5

but as ogre eihort 1.4.6 is about to be released very soon (actually it is out in the ogre page now )

marioko is going to release the full release and a couple of tutorials now based on the new ogre 1.4.6

so im sure to tell you that mogre will have new releases from now more oftenly 8)

btw you can get the source of this mogre using 1.4.5 from the mogre svn

hope this helps

PS. marioko just login with your username and password of the ogre forum into the mogre wiki and you have access to it :)


28-12-2007 21:07:54

Ok, this sounds great.

I didn't mean "official" in an Ogre sense (i understand it is a community wrapper/subproject). I meant Official in a MOgre sense. That is, I wanted to verify that Marioko has the consent and support of the MOgre community.

It seems that he does :D

I will download the lite version from SVN and give it a compile. I will also look forward to a 1.4.6-based version.

Thanks for the info.


28-12-2007 21:18:01

thanks Dodo..

Yep next realease will be a FULL SDK with media, and etc,etc,etc,..

PS. marioko just login with your username and password of the ogre forum into the mogre wiki and you have access to it

Hahah a lot of thanks :D