Mixing animation


01-09-2008 08:37:16


I will work on animation sooner, I Begin to do my animation under MAX. The question is : can I mix animation with each other? Say I have a walk movement, and during that walk movement I want to do something with arms. So Must I make a walk movement then a walk movement with arms movement, or, can I do a walk movement and only a movement with arms then I can mix each other in my animation subroutine?


01-09-2008 18:40:34

You have to do a walk movement with arms movement, you can`t mix


01-09-2008 19:13:09

Thanks for reply

You have to do a walk movement with arms movement, you can`t mix

Too bad then


02-09-2008 10:41:57

You have to do a walk movement with arms movement, you can`t mix
This is not true, see here: http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/manual/manual_76.html#SEC333
Multiple animations can be applied to a mesh at the same time, again with a blend weighting


02-09-2008 12:05:31

OH Yeah!

So I do not need to do 65 animations.....Beautifull. So it rest just to look how all this things works together.