setting up MOGRE project issues


01-11-2008 21:42:11

`Hi, I had a MOGRE project rolling before, but my computer died. Now I'm trying to set it up again, and I can't imagine how I even did the first time.

I downloaded the MogreSDK

Set my path variable

created a windows form project with Visual Studio 2008 (standard edition)

deleted the form and added references to Mogre.dll, and Mogre.Demo.Example (I was just going to use the example application from the samples)

Next I created a class that inherited from example and edited proram.cs to run that class.

and Epic fail! It's giving me a bunch of really weird errors.

Is there something I forgot? I have the DirectX SDK, service pack for visual studio, the c++ redistributable thing, and I have the latest DirectX runtime.

This is really bugging me, as I was working on my own project before my computer crashed, and now I can't even set up a basic application. So any help would be greatly appreciated.


04-11-2008 21:10:23


I got also a problem running mogre project or even my own application.

I got this exception :

Could not load file or assembly 'Mogre, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Cette application n'a pas pu démarrer car la configuration de l'application est incorrecte. Réinstaller l'application pourrait résoudre ce problème. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1)

I have everything installed: all dlls in exe repertory, good path in cfs, last servicepack for vs, last directx SDK...

some weeks ago i successfully ran an application but i had many problems with renderers. They were loaded but but representing as null pointer in the root pluggin list Oo

And now it definitly doesnt run any more :\

edit: I downloaded v1.4.6 and it's ok. ;o