Smart Usefull Questions For Beginner


12-11-2008 21:40:54

Hey guys, how u doing?

I worked on the first 5 basic tutorials and everything went just fine. I finished up by seeing the robots and a ninja caracter, lights, fog, sky, terrain :D . Plus i created, moved and rotated the camera (YEAH \m/)

BUT, i didn't get the main point of the basic tuto 6:
1- Is it really necessary to create my own rendering window. Can't i just use the MOGRE's one like they teached in the other mogre basic tutorials? :shock:
2- Is it really necessary to stop using MogreFrameWork? :(

If i wana continue using mogre to complete a simple stupid shooting game with one simpe level against one simple programmed caracter...
3- To wich tutorial i must refer after? i still dunno how:
a-to move the caracter
b-make it walk on a terrain
c-put sounds to the game

I am using 3ds max to build my own caracters and terrains.
4-How will Mogre integrate them? What format should they be?
5-If i extracted the animated caracter on a video with no background, does Mogre use videos for animating caracter in a game?

Am sorry to put this much questions, but my final project at university is a game. So i need to have a clear shot of what am facing here. I still a have 45 days to deliver.




13-11-2008 09:28:23

BUT, i didn't get the main point of the basic tuto 6:
1- Is it really necessary to create my own rendering window. Can't i just use the MOGRE's one like they teached in the other mogre basic tutorials? :shock:
2- Is it really necessary to stop using MogreFrameWork? :(

Tut6 gives you the possibility to integrate Mogre into Windows Forms. Useful for non game-related purposes.
If you don't want to, just don't do it.

If you do not use the Mogre Framework you have more freedom with your architecture.
It might become necessary to do things on your own as you want to control certain things the Framework does.
But don't be scared, it's quite easy to handle things on your own.


13-11-2008 09:38:25

Look at the exporters for 3D Studio Max, they are plugins to export models / material scripts in to the correct format which mogre can open and use!


14-11-2008 05:51:46

a-to move the caracter
b-make it walk on a terrain
c-put sounds to the game

A - use the translate method of the node that your character is attached to.
Entity character = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("Bob", "bob.mesh");
SceneNode CharacterNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
CharacterNode.Translate(new Vector3(0,0,100)) //Moves Character forward.

B- well there's some different ways to this. Intermediate tutorial 1 (OgreDotNet) shows how to do walking between points. But here's what I'd do. Use a physics engine (MogreNewt works great), add your terrain mesh, give it a collision, and then drop your character on top of it, and just move your character about using the Above posted method of moving your character.

C - Well, OGRE is actually only a Graphical rendering engines, but there is some stuff for this. MogreFreeSL let's you do some stuff with sound.

You don't have to stop using the ExampleFrameWork.Although the one thing I would change, is rather than the FrameListener being used for Input and Updating, I would make it based off a timer. Like XNA's update method, just make it fire 60 times a second.

Models have to be .mesh format.
Animations are stored in a file with .skeleton.

I'm assuming you don't know much about 3d modeling (forgive me if I'm wrong) rather than animations coming from a video, they're made frame by frame. If you've seen a .gif image that moves, It does so by changing what picture is being displayed every so often. Similar concept, but like 100 times harder in 3D


22-11-2008 13:21:46

hey guys thx a lot for all your help :)

Entity character = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("Bob", "bob.mesh");
SceneNode CharacterNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
CharacterNode.Translate(new Vector3(0,0,100)) //Moves Character forward.

This code will actually change the place of the mesh caracter forward... Right?

So if i made a animated skeleton caracter that is walking forward, for example bob.skeleton, what code should i write to make it move forward when i press "W" on the keyboard? Plus i want the caracter to go back to its mesh form when i release the W.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my weakness in this program.


01-12-2008 15:16:20

You need to attach your Entity to your SceneNode before you'll even be able to see the mesh in your scene. But aside from that it looks okay.

Input and animation I don't know offhand, but you can find it in the tutorials. It's not too difficult to work implement.