MOGRE application on the Xbox 360.


14-11-2008 05:34:33

I know there are a lot of these types of threads, but they're all about using XNA. I'm wondering whether it would be possible to put on a MOGRE application, assuming I had a full copy of the XDK (xbox developer kit), onto the 360. The XDK is what is used to put commercial games such as Halo 3, Gears of War and Call of Duty onto the xbox. I figure that because of XNA, the xbox should have a .NET runtime?
Is this a plausible idea? I realize the XDK costs big bucks, and XNA is free (besides the creators club license), but there are a lot of restrictions as to how far you can go.


14-11-2008 11:05:09

... and XNA is free (besides the creators club license), but there are a lot of restrictions as to how far you can go.

For example?



14-11-2008 18:59:34

As of now there are size restrictions, only being able to publish to XBLA. It just doesn't seem to give it a professional feel. I love XNA though, made a couple of games that me and my buddies play at LAN's and that is a lot of freakin' fun.