28-11-2008 08:02:30
Hi guys.
Im experimenting with ogre and building a kind of map editor application.
I found an example og decal projection of the cursor to the Ogre C++ ETM. ... sc&start=0
I didnt find a C# version of this and was wondering if anyone has got this decal projection to work with MET for Mogre?
02-12-2008 08:58:53
Thank you Bostich.
Im still having some problems though. in addition to the working decal there is a static decal texture over the whole terrain, more like it was one of the splattings.
take a loookie.
do you know what im doing wrong.?
04-12-2008 13:57:06
Hi Chulein,
i'am sorry, but i'am not sure what kind of problem you have
Can you show some code or be more specific?
04-12-2008 14:53:02
Hey Bostich
im using your class code above for the decal. and using it like this:
terrainManager = new MET.TerrainManager(sceneManager,"terr1");
terrainManager.SetLodErrorMargin(1, (uint)viewport.ActualHeight);
terrainManager.SetUseLodMorphing(false, 0.1f, "morphFactor");
float[] hm = new float[1025 * 1025];
for (int i = 0; i < 1025 * 1025; i++)
hm[i] = 0.5f;
terrainInfo = new MET.TerrainInfo(1025, 1025, hm);
Mogre.MaterialPtr material = Mogre.MaterialManager.Singleton.GetByName("ETTerrainMaterial");
decal = new DecalCursor(mgr, material, new Vector2(50, 50), "decal.png", false);
terrainInfo.Extents = new Mogre.AxisAlignedBox(0.0f, -390.0f, 0.0f, 1000, -220, 1000);
terrainInfo = terrainManager.TerrainInfo;
splattingManager = new MET.SplattingManager("ETSplatting", "ET", 1025, 1025, 3);
splattingManager.NumTextures = 6;
terrainManager.Material = material;
loadBrush(0);//Standard Brush.
loadTexture(2);//Standard Paint
The problem is that a a decal texture projects 1:1 on the terrain as well as the one that follows the cursor.. I cant get that one to disappear. its either both or none.
Thank you Bostich for helping me out.
[edit] btw.. i havent touched anything on the material files ETTerrainMaterial and the shaders that followed MET.
04-12-2008 16:39:06
Hi Chulein,
coz iam really out of source (long time no use of mogre
) here is my entire et class:
public class ETTerrain
float m_PaintStrength;
public float PaintStrength
set { m_PaintStrength = value; }
get { return m_PaintStrength; }
static ETTerrain m_Instance;
public static ETTerrain Instance
set { m_Instance = value; }
get { return m_Instance; }
TerrainManager m_TerrainManager;
TerrainInfo m_TerrainInfo;
public TerrainInfo TerrainInfo
set { }
get { return m_TerrainInfo; }
SplattingManager m_SplattingManager;
Brush m_PaintBrush;
SceneManager m_SceneManager;
DecalCursor m_TerrainCursor;
public DecalCursor TerrainCursor
set { }
get { return m_TerrainCursor; }
Viewport m_Viewport;
Vector2 m_TerrainCursorSize;
float[] m_TerrainData;
MaterialPtr m_TerrainMaterial;
MaterialPtr m_TerrainCursorMaterial;
Image m_Image;
bool m_Init;
uint m_CurrentTexture;
public uint CurrentTexture
set { m_CurrentTexture = value; }
get { return m_CurrentTexture; }
bool m_Deform;
public bool Deform
set { m_Deform = value; }
get { return m_Deform; }
bool m_LeftDown;
public bool LeftDown
set { m_LeftDown = value; }
get { return m_LeftDown; }
bool m_DoPaint;
public bool DoPaint
set { m_DoPaint = value; }
get { return m_DoPaint; }
bool m_RightDown;
public bool RightDown
set { m_RightDown = value; }
get { return m_RightDown; }
public ETTerrain(SceneManager SceneManager, Viewport Viewport, Vector2 TerrainCursorSize, float[] TerrainData)
if (Instance == null)
Instance = this;
m_SceneManager = SceneManager;
m_Viewport = Viewport;
m_TerrainCursorSize = TerrainCursorSize;
m_TerrainManager = new TerrainManager(m_SceneManager, "TerrainManager");
m_TerrainData = TerrainData;
private void Init()
m_TerrainManager.SetLodErrorMargin(2, (uint)m_Viewport.ActualHeight);
m_TerrainManager.SetUseLodMorphing(true, 0.2f, "morphFactor");
if (m_TerrainData == null)
m_TerrainData = new float[1025 * 1025];
for (int i = 0; i < 1025 * 1025; i++)
m_TerrainData[i] = 0.5f;
m_TerrainInfo = new TerrainInfo(1025, 1025, m_TerrainData);
m_TerrainInfo.Extents = new AxisAlignedBox(0, 0, 0, 4000, 513, 4000);
m_TerrainManager.CreateTerrain(m_TerrainInfo, 33, 255, false, false);
m_TerrainInfo = m_TerrainManager.TerrainInfo;
m_SplattingManager = new SplattingManager("ETSplatting", "ET", 512, 512, 3);
m_SplattingManager.NumTextures = 6;
m_TerrainMaterial = MaterialManager.Singleton.GetByName("ETTerrainMaterial");
m_TerrainManager.Material = m_TerrainMaterial;
m_TerrainCursor = new DecalCursor(m_SceneManager, m_TerrainMaterial, new Vector2(50, 50),
m_Image = new Image();
m_Image.Load("brush.png", "ET");
m_Image.Resize(16, 16);
m_PaintBrush = Brush.LoadBrushFromImage(m_Image);
m_PaintStrength = 1.0f;
m_Init = true;
public void Update(Vector3 MousePosition)
if (!m_Init)
float delta = Timer.Delta();
if (Deform && LeftDown || Deform && RightDown)
float intens = delta * 0.2f * ((this.LeftDown) ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
int x = m_TerrainInfo.PosToVertexX(MousePosition.x);
int z = m_TerrainInfo.PosToVertexX(MousePosition.z);
m_TerrainManager.Deform(x, z, m_PaintBrush, intens);
else if (DoPaint && LeftDown || DoPaint && RightDown)
float intens = delta * 3f * ((this.RightDown) ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
int x = m_TerrainInfo.PosToVertexX(MousePosition.x);
int z = m_TerrainInfo.PosToVertexX(MousePosition.z);
m_SplattingManager.Paint(this.CurrentTexture, x, z, m_PaintBrush);
m_SplattingManager.Paint(this.CurrentTexture, x, z, m_PaintBrush, PaintStrength);
public System.Drawing.Bitmap GetBitmap(int Index)
TexturePtr ptr;
ptr = m_TerrainMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).GetTextureUnitState((ushort)Index)._getTexturePtr();
return MogreUtils.Converter.TexturePtrToBitmap(ptr, "png", "ET");
public List<System.Drawing.Bitmap> GetKnownBitmaps()
TexturePtr mTexPtr;
List<System.Drawing.Bitmap> mTemp = new List<System.Drawing.Bitmap>();
uint mTexAmount = m_SplattingManager.NumTextures;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)mTexAmount; i++)
ushort index = (ushort)(i + 2);
mTexPtr = m_TerrainMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).GetTextureUnitState(index)._getTexturePtr();
mTemp.Add(Converter.TexturePtrToBitmap(mTexPtr, "png", "ET"));
return mTemp;
public void Dispose()
m_TerrainCursor = null;
this is maybe also usefuel for you:
public class Converter
/// <summary>
/// Converts an Ogre image to System.Drawing.Bitmap.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="img">Mogre.Image to convert</param>
/// <returns>System.Drawing.Bitmap</returns>
public static Bitmap MogreImageToBitmap(Mogre.Image img)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)img.Width, (int)img.Height);
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
Mogre.ColourValue color = img.GetColourAt(x, y, 0);
bmp.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb((int)color.GetAsARGB()));
return bmp;
/// <summary>
/// Converts an TexturePtr to an System.Drawing.Bitmap
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TexturePtr">Valid TexturePtr</param>
/// <param name="BitmapType">eg: PNG</param>
/// <param name="GroupName">the group where Mogre will find the image.</param>
/// <returns>System.Drawin.Bitmap</returns>
public static Bitmap TexturePtrToBitmap(Mogre.TexturePtr TexturePtr, String BitmapType, String GroupName)
Mogre.Image img = new Mogre.Image();
Mogre.DataStreamPtr dPtr = null;
String name = TexturePtr.Name;
if (TexturePtr.Name.StartsWith(GroupName))
name = TexturePtr.Name.Replace(GroupName, "");
if (name.Contains(".png"))
name = name.Replace(".png","");
dPtr = Mogre.ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.OpenResource(name + "." + BitmapType, GroupName);
throw new Exception("Bitmap not found, or wrong image type.");
img.Load(dPtr, BitmapType);
return MogreImageToBitmap(img);
I'am sorry that some code is uncommented, but this was never finished. but the decal cursor was workin fine for me!
hope that helps a bit. if you have any further question, feel free to ask.
08-12-2008 11:49:47
I finally figured it out.. I used the same decal for the decalBase.png and the main decal.
After creating a 2px * 2px transparent .png for decalbase everything works great...
Thanks Bostich for the help!