OgreBullet Compilation Error - Version Mismatch?


09-11-2009 23:34:22

I'm trying to compile the latest SVN revision of OgreBullet on an Ubuntu (Karmic) system. I installed Ogre through apt-get (it's in /usr), and I installed Bullet (2.75) manually (it's in /usr/include). I had to set the bullet_CFLAGS and bullet_LDFLAGS variables to get ./configure to accept it, but things ran smoothly until I hit this:
Shapes/OgreBulletCollisionsMultiSphereShape.cpp: In constructor ‘OgreBulletCollisions::MultiSphereCollisionShape::MultiSphereCollisionShape(const Ogre::Vector3&, const Ogre::Vector3*, const Ogre::Real*, int)’:
Shapes/OgreBulletCollisionsMultiSphereShape.cpp:59: error: no matching function for call to ‘btMultiSphereShape::btMultiSphereShape(btVector3, btVector3*, const btScalar*, int&)’
/usr/local/include/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btMultiSphereShape.h:33: note: candidates are: btMultiSphereShape::btMultiSphereShape(const btVector3*, const btScalar*, int)
/usr/local/include/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btMultiSphereShape.h:27: note: btMultiSphereShape::btMultiSphereShape(const btMultiSphereShape&)

Now, I have a few questions about how I should procede.
FIrstly, am I doing something wrong, or is this a problem in the code? It definitely looks like the latter.
Secondly, should I just go into the documentation and figure out how this should be corrected?
If not, should I be using Bullet 2.75 or a different version?
Lastly, should I be using the SVN revision of OgreBullet, or should I use the release instead? Is SVN unstable somehow? This project doesn't seem to require much testing because it's a loose layer between two well tested libraries, so I assumed SVN would be no problem.


10-11-2009 03:12:58

OgreBullet has not been updated with the API changes to Bullet 2.75. See this link for an easy way to correct your local copy of OgreBullet.



10-11-2009 03:14:35

Yup, that does the trick. Thanks.