02-07-2009 19:00:56
02-07-2009 19:01:29
Reserved for quick tutorial on the BML classes, Cloth and some other new features.
02-07-2009 23:22:42
Thanks! I'll give it a try tomorrow
21-07-2009 15:20:12
I am new to Ogre, and PhysX as well for that matter. I have the Physx SoftwareSystem and SDK installed and the Physx Samples run. I was also able to build BloodyMess with No Problems!
I would like to start learning and using NxOgre, I saw BloodyCake but its version 1.5.4... Can I use BloodyCake 1.5.4 with BloodyMess 1.5.5? I do understand that this was released early, and also that the server that a new server is being setup. If I require BloodyMess 1.5.4 to try out BloodyCake for the time being is there a link to BloodyMess 1.5.4 that I could use for now with BloodyCake, this way I can learn, and then once I am ready to start developing I can use the later version of BloodyMess....
I've been going through the wiki. I found BloodyMess 1.5.4: ...
I also found Spacegaier Tutorials and am going to do those.
I REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading its AWESOME:
21-07-2009 16:50:08
You can use BloodyCake with 1.5.5
21-07-2009 16:54:28
with BloodyMess 1.5.5 and BloodyCake 1.5.4 when I try and build it, here is the output:
1>------ Build started: Project: OGRECake, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(202) : error C2039: 'IDENTITY' : is not a member of 'bml::Matrix44T<T>'
1> with
1> [
1> T=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(202) : error C2065: 'IDENTITY' : undeclared identifier
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(405) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(408) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(411) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(414) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(417) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>d:\zzz\bloodycake\build\source\ogrecake.cpp(420) : error C2039: 'quatRotate' : is not a member of 'bml::Vector3<Type>'
1> with
1> [
1> Type=float
1> ]
1>Build log was saved at "file://d:\zzz\BloodyCake\build\msvc\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>OGRECake - 8 error(s), 1 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
If you need me to upload anything or do anything just let me know.
21-07-2009 17:36:08
Minor problems, nothing critical;
Replace with;
The section causing the quatRotate error (it'll be a big chunk of if statements) in OgreCake.cpp, replace with;
void CakeApp::onCameraKeysDown(Ogrelicious::KeyEvent* keyEvent)
static const float cameraDelta = 10.0f;
// Our CameraActor has no direction, but the Camera does. So we use that.
Quat quat(mCamera->getOrientation()); // Note: NxOgre's bml quaternion class will auto-convert any quaternion class that has public w,x,y,z variables.
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_W)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(0,0,-cameraDelta) * quat);
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_S)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(0,0,cameraDelta) * quat);
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_A)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(-cameraDelta,0,0) * quat);
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_D)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(cameraDelta,0,0) * quat);
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_Q)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(0,cameraDelta,0) * quat);
if (keyEvent->keyPressed == OIS::KC_Z)
mCameraActor->addForce(Vec3(0,-cameraDelta,0) * quat);
21-07-2009 19:41:46
Thank you! it is now working.
22-07-2009 02:50:50
It compiles and works, I can move the boxes around, by left clicking, I can use middle click to add more boxes, but when I click the visual debugger nothing happens at all, not even an error as far as I can tell... is there a small change I need to make to cake to fix it?
22-07-2009 17:48:59
bah, and I read over the first post completely too, must have forgot that one. sorry to bug ya on that one
Thanks again! I am learning a lot and having fun too!
24-08-2009 12:54:41
I'm trying to download the last version, but the link is broken.
How can I get it?
24-08-2009 14:02:39
09-09-2009 19:28:49
I've seen the NxOgre::Triangle class which is pretty much empty. Is this class not implemented yet in NxOgre 1.5.5 ?
09-09-2009 19:34:49
It is implemented.
Do you mean the TriangleMesh classes?
09-09-2009 19:36:19
He probably means the NxOgre::Triangle, which is not that big, in fact only the three vertices a triangle consists of. That probably iritated him.
09-09-2009 19:50:14
I sometimes refer to a NxTriangleMesh as "Triangle". I thought he was confusing one of my writings with that.
09-09-2009 20:07:51
Oops, sorry! My mistake... I was looking for NxOgre::TriangleGeometry class in the wrong file (NxOgreTriangle.h instead of NxOgreTriangleGeometry.h)
Sorry again
20-02-2010 12:45:00
Can Someone say me, how can I create a d6 joint using NxOgre 1.5.4?
20-02-2010 13:06:51
You should read the PhysX tutorials about it.
I made the interface almost exactly the same as PhysX. Except there are no "Nx" prefixes in the classes, and any enums are in the NxOgre::Enums namespace.
20-02-2010 15:13:48
I've read them sometime ago. I mean, I can't find the method of NxScene like:
>> NxJoint* d6Joint = gScene->createJoint(d6Desc);
25-11-2010 11:27:25
BloodyMess is now depreciated.
Please use Detritus or a higher version