Problem With Actor


03-08-2009 03:32:19

I created an actor,but it did not show on the screen.I am sure it had been created, because when I move my character to the position where I put the actor,
character struck,it seems the actor had been created but bot been rendered.
Maybe I missed something.Here is my code:

mActor=mScene->createActor("cube.1m.mesh",new NxOgre::CubeShape(20,20,20),Vector3(30,0,100), "mass:10");

I try another code,but it didn't work.

NxOgre:ShapeParams sp;
mActor=mScene->createActor("thebill",new NxOgre::TriangleMeshShape("thebill.mesh",sp),Vector3(20,5,60), "static: yes");
//"tebill.mesh" is a character model,it is a little complicated.

And another question,I have a house mesh model,I want control my character walk through door and go into the house.How should I do collision detection with the house?


I use NxOgre0.9-38 ,Physx2.7.3 and Ogre 1.6.4


03-08-2009 12:30:25

An actor is never visible! It's similair to an Ogre::Scenenode. You need a NxOgre::Body (which is a NxOge::Actor + a visualization).


03-08-2009 15:29:11

You should also use at least Bleeding. We don't support 0.9 anymore, and won't answer any further questions about it.


04-08-2009 03:55:37

An actor is never visible! It's similair to an Ogre::Scenenode. You need a NxOgre::Body (which is a NxOge::Actor + a visualization).[

You should also use at least Bleeding. We don't support 0.9 anymore, and won't answer any further questions about it.


May I ask if bleeding 1.0.22T5 completed character system? it seems different from nxogre0.9-38. With 1.0.22T5.I create a character, every time I try to use fuction setMovement() or other fuction to move my character, it give me a complier error.But after I delete these code,it complies successfully,and application works well.

//if I add this code to my cpp, error comes

//error like this
1>Main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall NxOgre::CharacterSystem::Character::forward(void)" (?forward@Character@CharacterSystem@NxOgre@@QAEXXZ)