AnimationState Problem


13-09-2009 09:59:30

Hi guys. I have some trouble with setting actors for bones. This is what I did:
First, I get bone and create a actor.
Second, I update actor's position and orientation to bind with bone.The method I use is like:
Ogre::Vector3 bonePos = mDogNode->_getFullTransform() * Bone[i]->_getDerivedPosition();
Ogre::Quaternion boneQuat = mDogNode->getOrientation() * Bone[i]->_getDerivedOrientation();

all above steps work ok...But when I change AnimationState of this skeleton animation, The Actor don't update its position and orientation. Is there somethings I missed? Or I have to use ragdoll for it(I don't need update bone's pos/quat from actor's feedback). Thanks for any suggestions. :)