29-09-2009 20:43:00
Hello, I´m trying Flour because the plugin of 3dmax doesn´t export objects indivualy. Flour works correctly, but "the windows command line" is a fu**ing shit (I am a linux user), and convert all meshes one by one is a slow process.
How can I convert all the meshes contained in a directory? There is a script for Flour? or, How can i make a script for windows command line in order to run flour for all meshes in a directory?
30-09-2009 08:35:09
Thank you betajaen, I´m using physx whit ogre directly, but NxOgre it´s a reference for me. Now I´m working on extending the dotscene loader in order to load ogre meshes and physx meshes. I have a class that save the two pointers (ogre entity and physx actor), this class it´s the main key of the comunication between the two motors. And I have a question for you: except nxuStream, do you have another mechanism in NxOgre for charge scenes ?
My idea is to have all the meshes (ogre meshes and physx meshes), whit the *.scene file (dotscene), and that the loader will create the class whit the entity and the actor for all meshes. Then my framelistener will render and simluate the physic scene.
Sorry for my poor english, but I want to know if you've worked on something similar in NxOgre
Good job, and greatest support in this forum, thank you
01-10-2009 18:13:46
Well, i´m looking for information about the batch file, but what about the out param for flour??
FOR %%i IN (*.mesh) DO flour convert in:%%i, into: triangle, out: ???????????
The out: param will be *.nxs, the name of nxs file whitout extension has to be the same of in:param
in:object.mesh out:object.nsx
01-10-2009 18:35:59
Don't think you can do that in a batch file. The closest you'll have to do is this;
FOR %%i IN (*.mesh) DO flour convert in:%%i, into: triangle, out: %%i.nxs
Which will do;
Then you'll need a batch file renamer to remove the .mesh part.
01-10-2009 18:44:24
Or modify this
//Create de String object.nxs from object.mesh (meshFile)
char ogreCharTemp[50];
strcpy(ogreCharTemp, meshFile.c_str());
char *nameMesh = strtok(ogreCharTemp,".");
char *temp = strcat(nameMesh,".");
char *nxsFilechar = strcat(temp,"nxs");
whit this:
//Create de String object.nxs from object.mesh (meshFile)
char ogreCharTemp[50];
strcpy(ogreCharTemp, meshFile.c_str());
char *nameMesh = strtok(ogreCharTemp,".");
char *temp = strcat(nameMesh,".");
char *temp2 = strcat(temp,"mesh.");
char *nxsFilechar = strcat(temp2,"nxs");
The nsxFilechar contents "object.mesh.nxs"