NxOgre joints tutorial


22-10-2009 15:01:48

Are there any tutorials for NxOgre's joints ? The website doesn't have anything (at least not the part that's not down) and I didn't see anything on the wiki. Any hints ?

I just want to connect two capsule shaped actors with a sphere joint at the top end of the first actor/shape and at the bottom end of the second actor/shape. I can position the actors so the spherical ends of their capsule shape overlap but no matter what information I supply the joint description object with the actors collide and/or bounce/jitter away.


22-10-2009 15:16:53

No, so far there are no tutorials on Joints for BloodyMess. I once started looking a bit into joints and this post is what I came up with testwise. Perhaps this helps.
It's on my todo list...I definetly need days with 48 or more hours :(


22-10-2009 15:37:42

The joints tutorials provided by the PhysX SDK are really helpfull.

The behaviour is just the same, it's just some of the classes are named differently (the Nx prefix is removed), and all member variables in descriptions start with "m". All NxOgre classes have this consistency. So if there is no explicit NxOgre tutorial, you'll find a PhysX one that will work just as well.