[Mess] Volumes: How to Delete or Move


08-11-2009 05:16:53


I'm trying to either Delete and Make a new volume in with reinitialisation of a object or Move the volume without massive warnings.

I can't find anyway to delete it at the moment that works.

Moving gives me so many errors.. since I'm moving 304 volumes, its a lot of errors in the log...
I was wondering why the errors in the first place?

I am only moving them once... say for reinitialisation of a game level for random placement.
Is this okay? How can I remove these warnings if okay?

Code for my volume:
// create our volume
pClothesVolume = pPhysicsScene->createVolume( new NxOgre::Box( 5 ),
NxOgre::Matrix44(NxOgre::Vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z)),
this, NxOgre::Enums::VolumeCollisionType_All );

Code that I am currently using to move our volume apon reinit
// move our volume
pClothesVolume->setGlobalPosition(NxOgre::Vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z));


17-11-2009 04:56:40



18-11-2009 04:09:36

The only way me and my team can think of reinitialising this without these problems is to delete the scene! lol

There must be a better way that we can't see? is there?


18-11-2009 09:53:51

I agree, the only alternative is to change the Volume code itself to make the Volumes kinematic based than static. When I have some spare time, I'll have another read of the documentation and have a play in Detritus for you, to see if I can move them.