NxOgre compared with OgreNewt?


17-01-2010 20:58:57


I'm trying to decide what physics binding to use for my program, but I can't seem to find any direct comparisons between NxOgre and OgreNewt in terms of features, speed, ease of use, etc. What is the difference between the two?


17-01-2010 22:29:24

I've never used OgreNwet, so I can't really say much on this topic, but one big plus for NxOgre is, is that betajaen is constantly trying to improve it and is very supportive, reading every post here and helping fast and effective.

I also don't know how good the documentation for Newton/OgreNewt is, but for NxOgre there is the SDK documentation from PhysX itself which is great and explains a lot in a comprehensive manner and we as a community and I in special, are caring a lot about the NxOgre Portal in the wiki that enhances the situation as much as possible.

EDIT: The creator of OgreNewt (walaber) hasn't been online since Dec 2008 anymore...


04-03-2010 15:28:38

Having tried both of these physics bindings, I'd have to say NxOgre is the better system. Newton physics I found to harder to work with believe it or not. Some people may say otherwise, but ultimately, I found that NxOgre just had everything I needed, including a very active forum in which to check up on and read through. Most of my issue's with NxOgre I was able to solve quickly just by searching, in fact, I haven't had to ask a question yet, someone has always beaten me to it, and Beta, the good feline lover that he is, tends to respond quickly with a answer to most issue's, not to mention is quick to fix any bugs you find in NxOgre and put up a release.

Ultimately, Its the way to go.... At least in my humble opinion.