Bug on collisions between Characters and Ogre3DBodies?


05-05-2010 13:24:39


I've set up an scene where there's a box (Ogre3DBody) with a positive mass value and a CharacterController.

What I do us just moving the Chracter around the scene. When the character arrives at the box, this last one is applied a force. This means that the collision is being detected well and a force is also being applied well to the box, but I've realised this is done independently of shapes' mass.

I mean, If I change Ogre3DBody box mass and and Character's mass (I also tried recompiling NxOgre and setting mass to the Actor related to the CharacterController), nothing new happens because the collision seems to be the same.

Common sense tells me that the box should be moved slower by character at the same time its mass is incremented. But it is not working like this, because the visual effect of the force applied to the box seems to be always the same.

Any idea?


06-05-2010 09:38:54

I've been trying some things to fix it...

Visually seems to be better if I scale scene gravity from (0, -9.8, 0) to (0, -98, 0), but some times if I push the box against a wall the box is thrown away again...