Questions before switching from ODE (multiple Worlds, no SM)


07-08-2010 17:47:08

At the moment I'm thinking about switching from ODE to PhysX. So during the waiting period for the PhysX registration I wanted to check some things in the forum first. If you want you can have a look at my questions in the OgreODE forum, I will explain some of my needs here in brief.

My biggest issue is that I want to have multiple worlds. I read some of the previous posts, and according to them and to betajaens story I think you will propose multiple scenes instead. What I want is to have multiple instances of some physic entities (for the moment I will choose this word, because I'm not sure of wether to take worlds or scenes). The actual number I don't know, but I think it will be (a lot) more than the given boundary (32) for scenes. Of course each of this entities is seperated from the others and they don't interact (directly). Some of them will be displayed by Ogre, some of them won't. And the display state can change at any time. So from one time to another it is possibly that an entity now is displayed and therefore connected to a SceneManager, and in the next step (or frame) the SceneManager gets disconnected and the entity is rendered no more.
Beeing seperated, all of the entities have a different flow of time. So it may be that some of the entities advance time (maybe at the same speed), but some won't. At a later state time will start up again on the stopped entities. This also is an important point. I have to be able to control time of the entities independendly.

Well, I will try out these points with the example framework, but in the meantime I will gladly accept every input, hints, tips and suggestions.