08-12-2010 03:08:17
Ok I'm in need of some quick help. I'm coming up with a game for a contest that ends in about 5 weeks and am having to learn many libraries in a short period of time. I thought using Ogre would be a fairly quick solution. For the most part it has been. I've also picked up and successfully used MyGUI. Nice little gui lib.
Ok so the game is based on the Wii Play game Tanks.
This is not a shot from my game but one from the original game.
So in the wii game does not appear to be using very much physics except for perhaps collisions. That is what I am after. Someone in another post suggested OgreBullet but after finding almost zero useful tuts and docs I'm here asking similar questions.
I just need the tanks to not penetrate the inner and outer walls. I also need bullets to make contact. That's pretty much it. No really physics to speak of. The tanks move arcade style.
I could sure use some help here.
09-12-2010 10:29:12
Shouldn't be a problem.
You'll have to make the tanks Actors/Bodies, and the walls using a single triangle geometry attached to some StaticGeometry. As your controlling them directly, you'll need to increase the linear/angular damping to the max (so they don't go off on their own), and just set the linear velocity and angular velocity (rather than using forces) to move them around. The collisions and response would be automatically handled by PhysX/NxOgre then.
Any specific help; just ask.
09-12-2010 19:22:55
Ok I'm in need of some quick help. I'm coming up with a game for a contest that ends in about 5 weeks and am having to learn many libraries in a short period of time. I thought using Ogre would be a fairly quick solution. For the most part it has been. I've also picked up and successfully used MyGUI. Nice little gui lib.
So in the wii game does not appear to be using very much physics except for perhaps collisions. That is what I am after. Someone in another post suggested OgreBullet but after finding almost zero useful tuts and docs I'm here asking similar questions.
I could sure use some help here.
Thats strange advice, OgreBullet is the least used physic wrapper according to the forum activity. NxOgre is the most active although we too could use a lot more fresh blood.
Your best source of advice would probably be this forum and looking through the code itself. There's documentation/tuts out there but its fragmentary and/or outdated to varying extents. Nowhere near what you'd have for a Microsoft Office or even the main Ogre library. Basic collision detection is easy enough to set up though.
10-12-2010 00:17:09
Thats strange advice, OgreBullet is the least used physic wrapper according to the forum activity. NxOgre is the most active although we too could use a lot more fresh blood.
Yeah, I eventually found a poll chart that showed the usage and PhysX was used 2X+ over Bullet.
I settled on a phased approach which is to use MOC (mimimal ogre collision) first and see if that solves my problem.
If not I will move on to PhysX (or NxOgre, whatever) and bite the bullet, er, bite the "physx" and get it working that way.
I'll try out betajaen's advice then.
Now in the long term I need to learn PhysX anyway for work. So since I'm learning Ogre for personal stuff it makes sense to just learn NxOgre as well.