Deleting 'world', destructor problems


09-06-2006 21:16:14

I'm deleting my mWorld, and another mWorld2 of mine handled in two separate scenes, but it seems to blow up. I checked Ogre.log and saw this:

15:55:09: [NxOgre] Shutting down.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Removed frame listener.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Scene count:1
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Scene:FloorplanPhysics Shutting down
15:55:09: [NxOgre] -> 4 bodies
15:55:09: [NxOgre] -> 4 NxActors
15:55:09: [NxOgre] -> 0 controllables
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Deleted Floor.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Released Scene.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Calculated physics for 6.11 seconds.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Goodbye.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Shutting down.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Removed frame listener.
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Scene count:1
15:55:09: [NxOgre] Scene:ModelPhysics Shutting down
15:55:09: [NxOgre] -> 6 bodies

and it blew up here.

Any suggestions on why this may be happening and how to fix it? Thanks.


09-06-2006 21:19:05

You're using two World's!?

No wonder it blows up. World is an Ogre:Singleton there can only be one of them, if you want two separate physics "areas" use separate scenes.


You'd probably find that World1 and World2 are probably the same thing :)