

03-03-2011 08:47:41

I'm posting here for the same problem as shown in this topic :http://www.ogre3d.org/addonforums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6700
But even tweaking the maxforce and maxtorque values of my Joint Description makes it floppy (all parts have actually a mass of 10, and i've tried 9*10^9 in max torque/force)
My aim is to build a destructible raft, but as the joints are very springy i haven't got a very realistic simulation

So do you know a way to make the fixed joint Harder ?


06-03-2011 13:19:19

well, i do need help on this problem :roll:
It's very frustrating since the PhysX documentation do not talk about this kind of problem
and the prvious topic didn't help me (both because they are many broken links but also due to "don't work", maybe a version mismatch ?)


06-03-2011 13:24:01

That's an old version of NxOgre. I have seen the problem before with all Joints really. What about increasing the solver rate for the Joint? It's in the FixedJointDescription


07-03-2011 14:28:55

I've tried this setup for my joint :
NxOgre::FixedJointDescription JointDesc;
JointDesc.mMaxForce = 999999999;
JointDesc.mMaxTorque = 9999999999;
JointDesc.mSolverExtrapolationFactor = 999999999;
NxOgre::FixedJoint* Joint = mScene->createFixedJoint(projectile,last,JointDesc);

But unfortunately my raft looks gelatin

I precise that I'm running Bloody mess 1.55, but as far as I know, you didn't modified the joint implementation
is "solver rate" synonym of the mSolverExtrapolationFactor ?


07-03-2011 14:42:29

No. It's an integer, which it is used to add more time to the integrator when calculing the state. Seems like Joint doesn't have it, I thought it did. Try increasing the number of substeps in the Scene Timer. There is one in RigidBody though; mSolverIterationCount double that for both Actors/Bodies to see if it makes a difference.
Otherwise I'm at a loss.


07-03-2011 18:06:57

ok fixed, now it works ! :D

but the breakable force limit is also influenced as I see
Do you know how must I adapt my break value according to the new value of the solver iteration cont ?
I've set it to 100