need help in collision detection


10-09-2006 10:15:46

I wanto perform collision detection for the camera is ray tracing is better or using the physics, If I am using physics then how all dymamics that are occuring during collision are disabled


10-09-2006 10:58:19

Using the PhysX collision would be more accurate than casting rays, you can turn collisions off for specific bodies/actors by assigning them to groups that don't collide with other groups.


10-09-2006 18:09:43

I got your point but could not create groups when tried your code(the one u replayed me in prevoius thread) I got error saying that "createGroups is not member of nxogre::scene"
also I coulsn't find the class nxogre::group

I am using NxOgre.0.5.preview.3 in MSVS2003


10-09-2006 18:54:46

That's odd, I'm pretty certain it was written then.

However since your using VS2003 it suspect the file is not in the project file, so add the source (nxogre/src) and include (nxogre/include) if you can, as well as other missing files.