19-10-2006 05:02:03
Welp, I figured there's a lot of questions that are being asked over and over in the forums, so I thought I'd start a thread where we can keep some of the more frequently asked, technical questions in one place.
- What version of PhysX should I use with NxOgre?
Ideally PhysX 2.6.2, when installed correctly, is the newest and most stable version of PhysX currently useable with NxOgre..
Older versions of PhysX, for example PhysX 2.4.4, are also supported by NxOgre, but there is a chance that some of the more bleeding-edge releases of NxOgre might include features not supported by older versions of the software.. Newer versions may be supported as well, if one has been released and this FAQ has not been updated.
- My body seems to jerk when it is moved. Why is that?
Read up on this problem here.
- When I use my own mesh in meshShape, it crashes!
Most likely your mesh is using shared vertices, make sure you turn off this option in your exporter. We will to have some links with various ways to accomplish this here soon.[/*:m][/list:u]
I'll be adding more technical FAQs as they come along. Feel free to ask or offer any suggestions in a reply and I'll add them if they pass... the test.
Scary, right?