29-10-2006 17:42:17
Hi NxOgrians...
I need the code of a third or first person camera using NxOgre, somebody can help me with this???
29-10-2006 17:54:15
I need the code of a third or first person camera using NxOgre, somebody can help me with this???
Do you want that we give you the code for a first person camera?
Sorry, but... don't you think that you better programm it yourself, do you?
You could take a look into the character controller sample.
29-10-2006 18:00:48
Search, or read the tutorials in the future.
606 uses a 3rd person camera setup. You can use that.
When you create a camera, attached it to a childscenenode of your body.
Create a sight Node attached also to body.
your camera node setAutoTracking on sight node
and set fixed Yaw Axis to true for your camera node.
For FIRST camera, set to false fixedYawAxis. this will work well. But do like me, seek in Ogre documentation. Explore by yourself this doc and do tutoriel.